talk me down

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Mike shot up from his bed violently. He had another nightmare. About the one and only, Eleven.

It had been a couple weeks since they had broken up and things were slowly falling apart for the two.

All he wanted now was to be with her, the only thing that could save him.

i wanna sleep next you, but that's all i wanna do right now

He pushed the wet sheets to the side and stood up, brushing himself off.

The room filled with heavy breathing and crying. Something he had never enjoyed.

and i wanna come home to you, but home is just a room full of my safest sounds

Mike slowly opened the door and tiptoed downstairs.

Many thoughts rushed through his head wildly. He wanted to make things right between him and her.

cause you know that i can't trust myself, my 3am shadow

All of the memories lingered around the house.  Every object had a deep meaning to him, because of her.

i'd rather fuel a fantasy than deal with this alone

He slipped on his shoes and rushed outside, not knowing that she was doing the same.

so come over now, and talk me down

Eleven woke up startled. Tears rushed down her cheeks thinking about the Michael Wheeler.

It had been a few weeks since their big fight and she missed him more than ever.

i wanna hold hands with you, but that's all i wanna do right now

She needed him more than ever right now but they messed up, big time. He threw some words, she threw some too, it was a huge mess.

and i wanna get close to you

It hurt her, not physically but mentally. Eleven had gone these weeks feeling awful, she wanted him back but she didn't know what he wanted.

cause your hands and lips still know their way around

Every second that went by without each other only tore them apart. They needed each other's warmth. More than god could ever tell.

the less time that i spend with you, the less i need to heal

El stood up and glanced at the picture of her and the love of her life.

She put on her shoes and walked past her brother's rooms into the living room.

She turned the doorknob, revealing the night sky glowing on the cars outside. Her footsteps rang around the place as she ran across the sandy pathway to Mike's house.

so if you don't mind i'll walk that line stuck on the bridge between us

Mike rushed around Hawkins. The streetlights supported his vision poorly as he almost tripped.

No one was around, not a single trace of human life. The clouds rolled in viciously, covering the bright moon.

grey areas and expectations

He remembered the huge fight between him and her. The painful words.

If it weren't for him, they could be happy. She could be happy. But he ruined it.

but i'm not the one if we're honest

Tears formed in his eyes at the thought of her hurt. He would never hurt her on purpose.

She already had enough mental abuse, not to mention physical and verbal. She needed and deserved as much love as she could get.

i wanna sleep next to you

Suddenly, someone bumped into him, making both of them fall backwards to the cold concrete. His misty eyes lead him to have an even more blurry vision.

   "Sorry." said the person. Mike wiped his eyes and stood up.
   "It's alright." replied Mike. He looked down at the person and gasped.

It was a girl with brown, curly hair. She had a pink sweater, white sweatpants, and similar shoes to Mike's.

   "E-El?" he asked. The girl looked up, tears rolling down her cheeks.
i wanna hold hands with you

He kneeled beside her and stared at her hazel eyes. Those beautiful eyes. Mike took her soft hands into his and frowned.

   "Mike, I-" He calmed her down and started talking.

   "El, when we broke up, my whole world stopped. Everything stopped functioning because you weren't with me. I could never live with myself knowing that I harmed you in any way. I promise that I will never do anything like that again. My life's a living hell without you. I-I need you." cried Mike.

i wanna be close to you

   "Mike, I know we love each other. I know that we need each other to stay sane. Yes, my life has been hell without you in it. Yes, I miss you so much. But there's one thing I'm worried about. If you love me, why would you do that to me? When you said those words, my heart broke. It brought back so many memories. Painful memories. The one person I loved with all my heart had hurt me and you know what?" stated Eleven.

Tears rushed down his cheeks as she said those words. She leaned in and wrapped her arms around his neck.

   "I know that you and I will be together forever. We will have challenges along the way, a lot, but we're gonna get throught them. Because both of our love for each other combined can easily knock everything down." sniffled El.

Mike let out a sob and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist.

so come over now, and talk me down

   "I love you so much. So much." cried Eleven.
   "I love you too. So much." replied Mike.

She buried her face in his shoulder and smiled. They hugged each other in the cold breeze, happy to feel each other's warmth.

omg this probably sucks and has a lot of mistake but oh well:)

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