she wants me to find her (pt.2)

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The kids stared in disbelief. They never dared to say her name in front of Mike, let alone him say it.

"What do you mean she's alive?" asked Lucas.
"I talked to her," said Mike, "She said she didn't know where she was but...she was scared." He sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands.

"Do you have any idea where she could be?" said Dustin. Mike looked up at him.

"Hm Dustin, It's not like I've spent a whole year wondering!" yelled Mike, laying his head in his hands again. Dustin backed away.

"Damn I'm sorry!" said Dustin. Mike sighed and stood up.

"I-It's not your fault," muttered Mike, "She just sounded so scared and the fact that she's been that way for a whole year kills me."

Max's eyes lit up but soon after, died down. They boys looked in confusion.
"What is it?" questioned Lucas.

Max looked at them weirdly.
"W-What if she's in...the Upside Down?" whispered Max.

Their eyes widened and thought about what she had said.

"I mean," stated Dustin, "It could be possible! What else did you hear?"
"There was screaming and banging," said Mike, "But I doubt she's in there!" They guys looked around nervously.

"But, if the Demogorgen was transported there," said Lucas, "Wouldn't have Eleven?" The guys thought about that. It did make sense.

"Even if she is, how could we get into Hawkins Lab?" said Dustin.

Mike charged upstairs. The boys looked in confusion but followed after him.
"Where are you going?" yelled Max.

Mike went upstairs and grabbed supplies. Five minutes later, he came down with two backpacks. He threw one at Lucas and headed to the door.

"I'm going to find her," said Mike, "And you guys are coming."

Eleven walked the streets of Hawkins. A traumatizing event had happened a few hours ago for the fragile girl.

She entered a dark alley and found herself surrounded by unfamiliar faces. They kicked her multiple times but her instincts finally came in and scared them off.

She wore a grey sweater with dirty overalls and a big coat. Her hair was very curly and bounced ever time she took a step.

She had talked to Mike as well. How she enjoyed hearing his voice but she wished she could see him.

The gang biked around Hawkins, Max on her skateboard, and reached to the lab.

They slowly paced to the back of it and looked for an entrance. A minute later, they found a door.

"Hey!" shouted a voice.
The kids stood shocked and slowly turned around to face a familiar person.

"Steve?" asked Mike.

He walked up to the four teenagers.
"What the hell are you guys doing?" whispered Steve.

"Uh...We came to look around," chuckled Dustin, "Also, what are you doing here?"

"Nancy told me to go and get you guys." said Steve. They shifted around awkwardly.
"Now," started Steve, "What are you actually doing here?"

Mike looked at them but received confused glances.

"Do you remember how Wheeler here would cry over this girl with powers?" asked Max. Dustin and Lucas smacked her on the arm.
"Ow!" whispered Max, rubbing her arm.

Mike sighed and continued for her.
"Her name is Eleven," said Mike, glaring at Max, "And she talked to me. On the walkie talkie." Steve looked at him confused.

"She said she was somewhere scary and we thought she could be in... the Upside Down." Steve's eyes grew wide.

"There's no way you guys are going in there! It's too dangerous." said Steve. Mike grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Listen," whispered Mike, "I have spent a whole damn year without her and I am not going to just sit around and let her suffer even more. Now I'm going in there with or without you guys, and not you or anyone can stop me."

Mike started to walk towards the door but was interrupted by someone grabbing his shoulder. He turned around and saw Steve.

"I'm going with you."

They slowly entered the building and tip toed around the lonley halls. They pasted by many rooms and surprisingly saw no one.

Max looked into a room and was suddenly intrigued.

"Everyone alright?" whispered Steve. He looked back and saw the boys but Max.
"Max!" whispered Lucas.

Max walked in the room and saw a small bed with a drawing pinned on top. She examined the drawing, the way the stick figure were placed and what was written on top.

The boys entered the plain room and studied it as well.
"Guys, what does this mean?" asked Max.

They guys huddled around the drawing, examining it as well. Mike's eyes grew wide.

"Eleven and Papa..." he whispered.

The guys looked in shock. Something caught Dustin's eye. He turned his head and saw a stuffed animal. He picked it up and showed everyone.

"Is this...El's room?" asked Lucas. They nodded their heads.

Everything disgusted Mike. The fact that Eleven had spent her whole life trapped in this boring room and had no love made Mike sick.

"Can we go now?" asked Mike, clearly annoyed.

Dustin stuffed the lion in his backpack and went outside with the others.

They walked through the halls and finally found an elevator. The guys entered and looked at the buttons.

"What floor do you think the gate is on?" asked Steve.

"Maybe the last one." said Lucas. He pressed the "Floor 0" button and the door shut closed.

They stood in a comfortable silence until they reached the destination. The door opened to reveal a slimy covered room, a huge portal standing inside.

They slowly exited the elevator and walked towards the portal.

"The air in there is toxic so I brought some things to help us." said Mike. They looked inside the backpacks and got out goggles and scarves.

They adjusted their goggles and wrapped their scarf around their nose and mouth. Mike looked at the portal and gulped.

"Let's go."

Part 2! This is actually gonna be 3 parts lol. Hope you like it<3

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