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   "Well, well, well! Look what we have here girls! Little miss weirdo." smirked the girl.

El rolled her eyes and slammed her locker shut, turning to face the blonde girl.

It was none other than Veronica Smith, the most beautiful girl in school. She was perfect, rich, and smart. Every guy wanted to be with her "dumbass" as Max called it.

Her little cliche needed a person to pick on and that someone happened to be Jane Hopper.

   "What do you want, Veronica?" replied El, obviously annoyed.

   "Just wanted to check up on you. See if you're doing okay." grinned Veronica, looking back at the two girls behind her.

   "We both know that's not what you're here for." scoffed El, leaning against the metal door.

   "Ok smartass, I want something you have."
   "Something I have? That's the first." implied El.

   "You see, your dating that Wheeler kid. The hottest guy in the school," explained Veronica, "Someone like you doesn't deserve to be with someone that handsome so, I need you to break up with him."

   "In your dreams, Smith," stated El, "I'm done with you and your little rats."

As she started walking down the hallway, a hand pushed her back.

   "Listen, you do not get to ignore me like that. I am way better than you, always. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's done with you now. I mean who wouldn't hate your bitch ass?" whispered Veronica.

   "Oh Veronica, how about you wipe that horribly, blinding applied mascara off your eyelashes and see that I will never leave Mike till the day I die." said El.

    "You and your ugly, stupid friends deserve to rot in hell!" shouted Veronica.

She brought her fist back and attempted to punch her, only to be stopped by El's hand.

    "You have it all wrong, it's you who deserves to rot in hell! With your bratty friends!"

El swung her fist at the girl, making her stumble back. She then continued hitting the poor girl with anger and frustration.

The students surrounded the two girls, Veronica's friends yelling for her to stop.

Suddenly, five familar teenagers abruptly came rushing to them.

   "El! Stop!" shouted Mike. He bent down and removed her from Veronica, as did Max, Will, Lucas, and Dustin.

They held her back as the two girls cared for Veronica.

   "Alright everyone, go to your classes!" shouted Lucas, leading the students away.

   "Go do something better with your lives!" demanded Dustin, waving them off too.

   "What is going on here?" asked Max.

   "I was asking Jane for help on the homework and then she starts hitting me!" lied Veronica, holding her jaw.

   "That's not true! You we're the one saying bullshit!" argued El, struggling against Mike's grip.

   "Okay, okay. I think you three should leave." said Max, standing between the girls.

    "What the hell? I did no-"

    "I said leave!" yelled Max, pushing them towards the exit.

As soon as they were out of the building, Mike gently faced El towards him.

    "El, what happened?" questioned Mike, staring at her hazel eyes.

   "I was just at my locker when her and those dumb girls came and told me..." trailed off El.

   "Told you what?" asked Mike, furrowing his eyebrows.

   "T-That I had to breakup with you and that you d-didn't love me and-"

   "Woah El! Do you really think I don't love you?"

"Mike, I-I love you with all of my heart but let's be honest, I don't deserve you. You deserve a beautiful girl with pretty, blue eyes and long hair. N-Not a dumb, ugly one like me." cried El.

"Veronica, she's everything a guy wants and what am I? I'm a-"

Mike interrupted the girl by laying his lips on hers. He loved her so much, more than anyone could imagine. No one could ever come between them.

He leaned out, the kiss still lingering, and cupped her face.

"Listen, those girls...they're nothing compared to you. In my eyes, you're the most gorgeous girl who deserves all of the happiness and love in the world. Not one thing can ever stop me from loving and protecting you." stated Mike, showing his heart eyes.

"I am in love with you, Jane Hopper. I have since November 7,1983 and will continue to for the rest of my life. I promise."

El smiled widely and leaned in. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, forgetting the world around them existed. Mike grinned and hugged her tightly.

"That was beautiful." sniffled Dustin, wiping a tear from his cheek.

"What a pussy." laughed Lucas. He looked back at his happy friends and suddenly felt tears forming in his eyes. They truly put some sort of spell on these kids.

"Come on Will, let's get away from
these wusses." whispered Max, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Not cool, Max." exclaimed Dustin and Lucas, following after them.

"Let's go, school will end in like two minutes." sniffled Mike.

"Yeah come on, love." giggled El, holding him close.

They both laughed and walked out of Hawkins High, the adventure waiting for them ahead.

man...mileven really makes me feel depressed but happy at the same time

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