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   "let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown!"

the bright characters and colors illuminated on the small television screen as the famous movie "ghostbusters" played.

el watched from a distance as she layed on the couch, engulfed in a soft blanket and her pajamas.

it was halloween night, the night she had been waiting for so long.

ever since last year, it had been in her mindset. she had heard stories from her friends, learning the different costumes and candy surrounding the night.

but something terrible struck the week of. eleven had gotten an awful case of the flu, and she was devastated.

she could barely even get out of bed without feeling sick or dizzy, so it was an understandment when hopper told her she had to stay home.

now on the dreadful thursday night, she sat in her house with a stuffy nose and a headache.

   "ghostbusters, huh?" eleven turned around to meet will, who carried another blanket in his hands.

   "why aren't you dressed yet, aren't you supposed to meet up with the party and go trick-or-treating?" asked el.

   "i cancelled on them." he simply stated, "i'd much rather spend time with you inside than hear lucas and dustin fight all night over who has the most candy."

eleven sighed, "will. you don't have to do this. go have fun with them, i'll be fine here."

   "nope. mom and hop won't be back for another three hours and jonathan is out with steve and nancy for even longer. so you're gonna have to deal with me!" he explained.

the boy made his way and plopped down beside his sister, covering himself with the blanket.

   "last year for halloween i was egon, dustin was stantz, and mike and lucas were venkman." he added.

   "what about winston?" questioned el, watching him at ease.

will chuckled and shook his head, "those two idiots didn't want to be winston, so they were both venkman."

   "and what we're you guys gonna do today?" she questioned again.

a repetitive knock arose at the front door, making the two shoot their heads towards the direction.

will groaned and stood up, grabbing the bowl of candy from the counter and going over to the door.

he then twisted the knob and opened the door widely, only to be met with four familar people.

   "what are you guys doing here?" asked will as he put the bowl to the side.

it was mike, lucas, max, and dustin. they were in their pajamas as well and held bags with candy in them.

   "ah, ah, ah! give me the bowl, will. i did not just give up my trick-or-treat experience to not get at least one piece of candy." exclaimed dustin, grabbing the bowl.

   "you're literally holding a bag full of candy! we even fucking gave you some of ours!" max rolled her eyes.

"so? i'm here to have a good time, maxine." dustin stepped into the house, lucas and max following behind.

   "mike, what are you all doing here?" asked will, letting the boy inside before closing the door.

"well, i didn't want to go out trick-or-treating without two of our party memebers. and you know...i didn't want to leave el here when she's sick. that would make me a shitty boyfriend. and she's been waiting for this night for so long now, i want to be with her." explained mike.

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