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   "Are you sure you guys are up for it?" asked Mike. Lucas and Dustin waved him off.

Eleven always wanted to learn how to ride a bike. She was always fascinated on how the boys rode anywhere they wanted to on the little "vehicle" She always had to ride behind Mike's bike but today, that was going to change.

   "Of course! Anything for El." said Dustin, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She smiled and went to hug Mike.

   "It's ok Mike. I understand your busy!" she said. Mike grinned and hugged her back.

   "Thank you. Well I gotta go! See you later!" said Mike. He got on his bike and started to pedal fown the road. El turned back to Lucas and Dustin and smiled widely.
   "Let's do this."

It had been a very long hour and El was starting to get the hang of it.

   "We're making progress!" said Lucas. He gestured El to get back on the bike and she hopped on gracefully. She was still very much excited but the boys were exhausted.

   "Remember, hold on!" said El. The boys slowly nodded and she started pedaling.

   "You're so slow!" said Lucas. Dustin glared at him.
   "I'm slow? A turtle is faster than you!" said Dustin. Lucas let go and glared back.
   "A fucking snail is faster than you Henderson!" yelled Lucas. Dustin angrily let go and walked up to Lucas.
   "I am not slow! You're the slow one!" yelled Dustin.
   "Oh yeah! Well-" said Lucas.
   "OH MY GOD!"

Eleven's screams overtook the banter they went on about.

Dustin and Lucas quickly turned to Eleven's direction and saw her lying on the ground, blood dripping from her nose, ears, and mouth. The bike was thrown backwards and was beaten up.

   "EL!" yelled Lucas. The two boys ran as fast as they could to El's side and gripped on to her hands. The man came out of the car and hurried to they're side.

   "I-I'm so sorry!" stuttered the man. The yelling brought attention to others around. Some neighbors went outside to see what was going on.

   "Please call for help! Someone!" yelled Dustin. Some people rushed back inside and dialed the ambulance.

A minute later, an ambulance came rushing into the street. They strapped El to a bed and brought her inside the van. They lead Dustin and Lucas inside as well and drove to Hawkins Hospital.

   "Please describe the accident." said the doctor.
   "Ok, so w-we we're teaching her how to ride a b-ike and she lost control and a c-car hit her." cried Dustin.
   "Patient's name?" asked the doctor.
   "Eleven Byers. Daughter of the Cheif and Joyce Byers." said Lucas. The doctors around nodded and suddenly drove even faster.

   "Stay out here!" said the doctor as the took El into a room. Dustin and Lucas did as told and sat down. They sighed and dropped their heads.

   "Wow... We are so screwed!" said Lucas.
   "Yeah, how could we let this happen? Over something so stupid! We risked El's life!" cried Dustin. Lucas gasped and looked Dustin in the eye.
   "What about M-Mike?" asked Lucas. Dustin shook his head.
   "Let's just say, he'll never speak to us ever again."

30 minutes later, Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, and Will came barging in. They rushed to Lucas and Dustin's side.

   "What the hell happened?" asked Hopper.
   "El got in a bike accident." muttered Dustin.
   "What," yelled Joyce, "How?"
   "We were teaching her and we weren't paying attention and then boom! Next thing we know she's unconscious on the ground." said Lucas facepalming.

   "Are you kidding me? Let me guess! You guys were arguing over something stupid!" said Will. They boys stayed quiet.

   "You guys really messed up this time! My sister could be dead for all I know because of you guys," yelled Will, plopping back on a chair, "And don't even get me started on how Mike will react!" As if on cue, the Wheeler family, excluding Ted and Holly, rushed in. Oh shit.

   "What happened? Where is she? How is she?" stuttered Mike.
   "Um- She got in an-accident." said Dustin. Mike turned his head to Dustin and Lucas.
   "What?" whispered Mike. His eyes turned dark. Very dark.
   "She got in a-bike accident." said Lucas. Mike grabbed Lucas and Dustin by the collar of their shirts and brought them up so they both faced him.

   "You have ten seconds to give me a perfectly good explanation for how this happened or else you guys are dead." whispered Mike quietly. The change in his voice scared Lucas and Dustin terribly. They knew what was coming next.

   "Uh-so Lucas here was complaining on how I was slow and then I said that he was slow and then we both ACCIDENTALLY let go and we didn't notice it and then the next thing we know she's unconscious. Funny right!" nervously chuckled Dustin. Mike tightened his grip and could only imagine the pain El went through because of these dumbasses. Mike's eyes grew wide and knuckles white.
    "I swear I'm going to-" said Mike angrily.

   "For Eleven Byers." said the doctor. All heads rose up, which were only the Byers and the boys, and all of them rushed to him.
   "Uh-" said the doctor.
   "I'm her mother and he's her father." said Joyce.
   "Ah ok, so she's in good condition. No major injuries." said the doctor. Everyone sighed in relief.
   "She's a very strong, brave girl," smiled the doctor, "You guys are very lucky."

Mike entered the small room and saw El's bright face. Even though she's in the hospital with a couple bruises, she still managed to look gorgeous.

   "El!" said Mike. El looked at Mike and smiled widely. She opened her arms and Mike closed up the empty space. He tightly wrapped his arms around her petite torso.

   "I'm so glad you're ok. If anything were to happen to you, I don't know what I would've done." said Mike.
   "I'm ok Mike, I'm ok." she said, burying her head in his chest.

  "I swear I'm gonna kill Lucas and Dustin." said Mike. El lifted her head and looked into Mike's eyes.
   "Mike, it's ok. I know what they did was wrong but it was an accident. You can forgive them, can't you." said El. He shifted his eyes towards the floor.
   "I don't know." mumbled Mike. El lifted his head up so he was forced to look her in the eye.
   "Mike." said El. He looked into her beautiful, brown eyes. He couldn't say no to her.

   "Yes." said Mike. El smiled and leaned in to kiss his soft lips. Mike smiled and leaned in as well. After a while they leaned back, arms still wrapped around each other.
   "I love you Mike." smiled Eleven.
   "I love you too, so much."

I actually really like this oneshot:) It's inspired by my story "i can't lose you/mileven" go read it if u want lol.

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