this town

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Mike shot up from the bed, sweat dripping down his face. The tears rolled down his cheeks harshly, making him breath heavily.

He had another nightmare. One he always had. It evolved every night. Festering into a more disturbing dream each time.

He turned around in search for comfort and saw an empty space, breaking his heart even more than it has.

waking up to kiss you and nobody's there

He sat upwards and looked over at the messy room, examining the broken frames and pictures on the ground.

He stood up and walked over to the bathroom. He lazily grabbed his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth violently.

After a minute, he cleaned himself up and wiped off his face. He placed the towel down and out of the corner of his eye saw a pink bottle of perfume labeled "Pretty Peach"

He picked it up and sprayed it once, making a small noise.

Her scent roamed around the bathroom and out into the room, making him cringe.

He missed the beautiful smell. He missed how whenever he hugged her, he would take in the smell of peaches. Her signature scent.

the smell of your perfume still stuck in the air

He changed out of his sleepwear into some new
clothes and slipped on shoes. He always wore white converse, it reminded him of her.

Mostly everything reminded him of her. Eggos, Pink, His family. Nothing could ever get him to forget what happened.

it's hard

He opened the door and breathed in another familiar scent.

The second floor filled with Max, Lucas, Dustin, Will, and the twins voices from downstairs.

He slumped down the stairs, glancing over at the millions of pictures on the walls.

He plastered on a fake smile and walked inside the living room, leaning against the wall.

"Hi Dad!" shouted Benny and Riley, wrapping their small arms around his legs.

They were two years old now and it has definitely been a challenge raising them but he had his friends right beside him.

They were already smart at such a young age, much like their parents, and understood many things.

"Hey angels! Have aunt Max and uncle Dustin, Will and Lucas been taking care of you?" asked Mike. The kids nodded and smiled widely.

"Mike! Did you sleep well?" asked Max, gesturing for the kids to come over.

"Same as always." replied Mike, definitely not wanting to remind his kids on how he has nightmares and cries at night.

The adults frowned and nodded, understanding what he meant.

"Can we talk to you, just the five of us?" asked Lucas, placing Benny down on the couch.

Mike nodded and followed the others into the basement.

"We'll be right back, don't cause any trouble." said Will, placing the two in big crib. He sped downstairs and stood beside the others.

"Mike, we know how hard it's been for you. It's been hard for us too. But, you have to start moving on." explained Lucas.

Mike looked at him in shock and disbelief.

"Move on? Move on! This isn't something I can just forget!" replied Mike.

"We're not telling you to forget her! I don't think any of us will ever forget her. We just want to you to start going out more. Live your life to the fullest. That's what she would've wanted." frowned Dustin.

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