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El felt her body drift away from reality, her eyes shut closed.

Tears rushed down her cheeks as she thought of everything that had happened in the past days.

She had harmed so many people, including her family. She destroyed her home, her family. They all risked everything just to get her back.

Finally, her feet landed softly on a wet surface. She opened her eyes, a few tears trickling down, and wiped them with her white, dirty sleeve.

She suddenly regretted ever opening her eyelids as she saw the dark landscape, an endless void all around her.

No sign of life or anything in that matter.

A mind filled with millions of thoughts, yet so much loneliness surrounding her.

"Mike..." The whisper echoed around the place as she looked around.

"Eleven..." whispered a familar voice, one that belonged to Michael Wheeler.

"Mike!" She began running in the direction of the whisper, which was challenging since it came from every direction.

The sweet, soft voice rang in her ear, making her tug on her hair.

"Mike! Where are you?" cried El, feeling more than desperate at this point.

She finally gave up and fell to her knees, the water splashing around yet having no effect on her dress.

Suddenly, a big house appeared in the distance. The first floor had different shades of brown bricks, the second being painted white. The roof shined a light grey, nine windows glancing out to the girl.

El wiped her tears once more and picked herself up, rushing to the front door. She gripped on the knob and twisted it to the left, the white door opening widely.

Inside, the same furniture and designs stood proudly, bringing more tears to El's eyes.

This was her first home.
The first place she felt safe.

El stepped inside and shut the door behind, examining the familar things. She walked past the living room and kitchen, walking up the stairs.

She went over to the door she knew belonged to Mike's room. And as the door opened, she smiled at the familar setting.

His blue bed that layed in the corner. The wooden bedstand that stood right next to it. His comics, action figures, and pictures around the blue painted room.

The pictures are what caught her eye, they all included her. It was him and her, no matter what.

"El..." mumbled the voice again. This time it was more clear on where it came from.

She walked out of the room, down the stairs, and towards the oh-so familar door leading downstairs.

Her heart skipped a beat as she opened them, each shaky step she took down.

As she saw him standing there crying, she ran down the last steps into his arms.

Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as his arms hugged her body.

They knew they missed each other's warmth but finally receiving it brought a new sensation.

"I missed you...so damn much." sobbed Mike.
"I missed you too. More than you could ever imagine." cried El, shaking her head.

"I-I am so sorry, Mike. I destroyed your home. I put our family in danger when I could've protected them. I deserve to die for what I've done." stated El, shutting her eyes.

She felt her head lift off of Mike's shoulder towards his face, feeling his heavy breathing against her nose. She opened her eyes to see his tear filled eyes.

"None of this is your fault. The Mind Flayer was the one who made you do it. You never meant to do any of it. I know you didn't." assured Mike, rubbing his thumb against her skin.

"No, don't do that. Don't try and make me think that it isn't my fault when it actually is. Don't try to make me feel better. I ruined your life, family, and home. I've made you and the others miserable and terrified. T-The world does not need me in it. Not after what I have done." explained El.

"But you are my world, El. You are the one person in this world that I have decided to share my life to. If you gave me the chance, I'd love you until the last star in the universe blinks away. You're the only person I can honest with. Because the first time we ever bared our souls to each other, we learned that the shadows fall on our scars in same way. You make things simple, you always have. Because you know that even in the dark I'll find you. That when I'm in need of light, I'll grasp your hand. And I think I fell in love with you the day I looked into your hazel eyes. The day you I somehow found you. And there's no universe where my soul doesn't ache for yours. Where my heart could ever understand itself without you." stated Mike, love making its way into his heart.

   "H-How can you still love me? How can you still believe that I won't harm anyone anymore?" hiccuped El, tears rushing down her cheeks.

   "I believe in you because you are the best part of me. Loving you has made a better human being. It's made me see past the scars that cast shadows on my skin. You are my partner in everything. the good, the bad, the horrifying, the joyous. And I don't know where I'd be without you. Certainly not here, happy and in love. Where the only thought running across my mind is. How much you mean to me, that any part of you I get to hold is enough. Because there will always be battles that the stars send us to win. There will never be a right time. My heart is a hurricane and you are at the center."

El stared at him in shock and happiness. She was happy that someone, at least someone, actually loved her. Someone cared for her deeply.

And she's glad that person is him, because she might love him more than he loves her.

   "Now please understand that we're still young. We make small and big mistakes. And the universe is endless, and somehow, everything will be okay."

El found her lips connecting with his now, her arms drapping around his shoulders. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist.

He knew that she was the one that would be with him every step of the way. She's stuck by him since they've met, her love growing stronger for him each time she thought of the boy.

The two felt themselves leave the territory they were once in, drifting off into the one place they hoped they'd show up in.

As they felt their feet land on the floor, they leaned out and opened their eyes.

They stood on top of the skyscraper, the cold breeze rushing past them.

They both looked out at the city in amazement as it magically went back to its original place.

All of the vines disappeared, the buildings rebuilt, and the environment grew back.

El suddenly felt all of her worry, anger, fear, and sadness go away. It was replaced by happiness and love, two feelings she admired.

"Thank you. Never forget that you're the beautiful soul that saved me." smiled El, her cheeks heating up.

   "I love you so much, Mike. I don't believe anyone can feel the way I feel about you."

"I love you too, El. And hey, maybe the world could be ours now? No more pain, no more fear. Just us, taking on the world together." grinned Mike.

"I'd love that." answered El, placing her lips on his once more.

They stood in that position for a while, finally glad that they were both safe and sound.

Then, they leaned out and looked out at the city, holding each other tigthly.

the end of the f***ing world is sO GOOD

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