daddy issues

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El stood in shock as she stared at her scared mother.

   "He's coming! You have to hide!" yelled Terry, shaking her arms.

   "No, I-I'm not leaving you or aunt Becky. I'll keep you safe." stuttered El.

Suddenly, a loud bang arose from a far, startling the two.

El quickly stood infront of her mom and looked around.

Then, Terry faded away in the vast space, leaving El on her own.

   "El!" shouted Mike in panic.


El felt the blindfold rip of off her face, two arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her up.

Mike leaded her to the corner of the room where the kids, Joyce, Becky, and Terry cowered.

Hopper and Jonathan walked into the hallway towards the door, lifting the curtains to peek outside.

Then all of the lights went out, making it pitch black. Every sight of glass shattering as a loud bang arose once more.

The sound of Hopper and Jonathan grunting and then falling to the ground echoed around the room, no one daring to make a sound.

Footsteps clicked across the floor board, getting closer and closer to them.

There at the hallway stood the familar man to everyone of them, the tall, grey haired man in a navy blue suit.

"I see the Ives family is here, including your friends." smirked Brenner.

Everone froze at the sight of him as he stepped forwards.

"Terry, it's been too long." He reached to her, making her eyes roll in the back of head as she shut them close.

"Terry? Terry!" shouted Becky, shaking her along with Joyce to wake her up.

El fumed with anger as he saw him smirk evily at her mothers reaction.

"What did you do to them? What did you do to my father and brother?" yelled El.

"Father? I'm right here darling." replied Brenner, stepping close to her.

Mike pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her. El layed her hands on the back of his neck and shoulder, not daring to look straight in his eye.

" were never my father. I will never call you my father ever again!" shouted El.

"But sweetie, I am. Biologically, of course." answered Brenner, almost inches away from the two.

El stared at him in shock, finally meeting his cold, evil eyes.

They had always had a thought that he was in fact her real father but now that it was announced true, she felt scared.

Scared that she had an abusive father who never loved her and only used her and a mother who was left traumatized and did absolutely nothing.

She saw the man's hand reached at her face, unable to do anything.

"Leave her alone you bastard!" growled Mike, connecfing his fist with Brenner's face.

He immediately went back to El, shielding her, as the rest stared in shock.

Brenner stepped back and held his bloddy jaw. He looked back up at Mike with anger, clenching his fists.

"That was a huge mistake, Michael!" groaned Brenner, charging towards the kid.

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