i always will

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i'm a girl who isn't like the rest
no, not because of my pixie cut
not because of my number tattoo
i have something special
i have abilities
you might be wondering, how is that possible?
well, it's a long story
all i can tell you is that,
this has been an emotional yet happy ride
the bad men stole my life,
ever since i was a child, i was treated with no love
no family nor friends
that is until i escaped
i hurried around the rainy woods and that's when it happened,
three nerdy boys, in hopes of finding their friend, found me
they took me in
they became my family
my family has helped me through everything
hopper, joyce, jonathan, nancy, steve,
will, lucas, dustin, max,
and especially, mike
those beautiful eyes that makes you melt
his small freckles that cover his cheeks
his adorable smile that makes you feel safe
he believed in me before anyone else
he saw the potential in me
he didn't think of me as an experiment
he didn't treat me like an animal
he cared for me
he still does
he always will
he saved me
saved me from the hell that is called hawkins lab
saved me from drowning in my emotions
i can't even begin to explain how much that boy means to me
if i did, we would be here for eternity
i love michael wheeler,
i always will


i'm a boy who's world was turned upside down
my best friend was taken to an alternate dimension,
the demogorgen and mind flayer has tried to destroy my family and i,
but that hasn't stopped me
everyone has impacted me in the best way,
my parents, nancy, holly,
jonathan, steve, joyce, hopper,
max, dustin, lucas, will,
and especially, eleven
her hazel eyes that shine as bright as the sun
her short, luscious hair that blows in the wind
her soft smile that warms your heart
she's one of a kind, and not because of her powers
because she understood me
she cared for me
she protected me
she would do anything, for me
she still does
always have and always will
she is my world, forever and always
i don't think she knows but she saved me
without her,
i'd be lost
i'd never understand what love means
but luckily, i do
i love jane hopper,
i always will

lol i suck at writing! hope you liked this little thing, i don't even know what to call it ha:)

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