redhead or weirdo

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The gang walked around Hawkins, admiring everything.

   "I've lived here my whole life and even I didn't know that these places were here!" said Mike.

El giggled and looked around, glancing at every detail. Ever since she had escaped the lab, she made sure she saw and experienced everything a normal kid did.

   "I'm freezing my ass off out here! It's like below zero!" complained Max.
   "It's not that bad. Just enjoy this while it last. You never know when something will happen." said Lucas.

After everything that had happened to them in the past, they had become more cautious and paranoid. They stopped in their tracks when they heard crackling and footsteps.

   "What was that?" whispered Dustin.
   "I have no idea," breathed Will, "Is anyone there?" No response. They stood in the dark night as the cold breeze blew across.

Suddenly, Will and Mike let out a scream. They whipped their heads to see Troy, James, and other boys gather around them. Troy held a knife to Mike's throat while James strangled Will's throat, making sure not to kill him.

   "Leave them alone!" yelled Dustin. Lucas and Dustin charged towards the boys only to be trapped by them, leaving Max and El standing beside each other.

   "Well, well, well! We haven't even spoken and we already have these dweebs!" laughed Troy. The guys struggled against the boys strength.

   "Let them go." demanded El. Troy laughed and threw Mike to another boy. He walked close to El, eyeing her body. Eleven saw this and backed away.

   "You scared of me? Are you gonna break my arm if I touch you? Cause I don't think you have that much power anymore." said Troy. El looked away. It was true. Ever since she defeated the two monsters, she's gotten weaker. She hasn't used her powers ever since. Troy reached out to grab her and she flinched. He looked in satisfaction.

   "I see. They didn't treat you well in that lab huh? What did they do to you?" asked Troy getting way to close. Mike struggled against they boy's arm.
   "Shut the hell up Troy!" yelled Mike.

Max intervened and slapped Troy across the face. He grabbed his cheek and looked up in anger.
   "That was a huge mistake!" yelled Troy. He pushed Max roughly, causing her to tip over the rocks.

   "MAX!" they yelled in unsion. She grabbed onto the rocks for dear life as her body dangled below. El went to her and grabbed her hands.
   "You're going to be ok!" yelled El. She gripped onto her arms tightly as Max cried.
Troy laughed and stood above El.

   "Hey losers! How about I give you a choice? Who lives? Redhead or Weirdo?" said Troy, kicking El in the stomach.
   "You bastard!" yelled Lucas. Troy kicked El once more, making her yelp in pain and release her grip a bit.

"Just leave them alone!" yelled Will. They all struggled to save them while Troy kicked El, bringing her closer to the edge.

   "Time to end this." mumbled Troy. He kicked El as hard as he could, sending her and Max off of the edge of the quarry.

   "NO!" screamed the boys. They used everything in them to escape the boys grip but it was no use, they were too strong.

They looked in horror as Troy looked down at the water. Tears formed in their eyes at the thought that their best friends were dead.

Suddenly, Max's body levitated in the night sky and landed softly on the ground. Troy and the bullies screamed and ran off in pain as their bodies filled with shock.

The boys surrounded Max while Lucas comforted her. Max shook in fear and cried into his shoulder.
   "It's ok. You're ok." soothed Lucas.
   "S-She sa-ved me." stuttered Max.

Mike walked over to the edge and looked down at the water. Nothing. He broke down onto the ground, sobbing into his hands. Troy killed Eleven. Or so they thought.

Something emerged from the water and slowly flew up to the rocks. Mike wiped his eyes and squinted at the strange thing. As it got closer, it became more clear. It was Eleven.

Her body tumbled onto the ground harshly, making her gasp for air and shiver.
   "El!" yelled Mike. He ran to her and hugged her cold, wet body. Her frozen fingertips curled across the collar of his sweater. She sobbed heavily into his chest, thanking god that her friends were safe.

Dustin took off his coat and covered it around El's body. Will also stepped in and wrapped his scarf around her neck.
   "Is every-one o-ok?" breathed El. Everyone replied with a "yes."

She looked around to see Lucas holding Max closely with Dustin kneeled beside them. Will layed his hand on her shoulder as Mike held her close as well. She sighed in relief.

   "Good." she said. Mike kissed her forehead, arms tightly around her waist, and sat in the dark night.

why do my oneshots sound like stories lol
omg 1k reads! ily all<3

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