beautiful thing

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Millions of people crowded around in the huge arena. Golden lights flashed on everyone as they chattered.

Large cherry blossom trees and flowers surrounded the back of the stage, creating a beautiful setting.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed down, turning the chatter to chanting.

Five figures arose from the corner and walked across the stage to the front.

"Hey everyone!" exclaimed Dustin, receiving hellos from the crowd.

"Tonight is a very special one to all of us and we are very proud to be up here, presenting a very talented girl." continued Lucas.

"We've watched her grow into this confident, lovely woman who has inspired many people around the world with her wonderful voice." smiled Max.

"Her legacy will forever live on in the music industry and in our hearts." stated Nancy.

"Now on stage for the last time, the one and only, Jane Wheeler!" announced Steve.

The crowd erupted with screaming and cheering as El walked out onto the stage with her ukulele.

The five adults wished the girl good luck and went backstage.

"Hi everyone!" grinned El, giggling at the excited fans.

She sat down on the comfty chair beside the other empty one and looked back at her band.

She signaled them to prepare to start and took a deep breath.

The crowd finally settled down and filled the place with silence, allowing El to speak.

   "These past years have been an amazing journey. I am beyond lucky and grateful to be where I am but none of this would be possible without you all. Everyone one of you has helped me thrive in this world and make my music," stated El, I thank you, my friends, and my family for building my confidence and introducing me to this incredible opportunity. Especially- "

She was cut off by the crowd cheering once more as a familar man walked on stage.

He waved at the people infront of him and went over to his wife, planting a kiss on her cheek, and sitting on the chair beside hers.

   "Michael Wheeler, everybody!" laughed El.

He grabbed the microphone and placed it closely to his lips.

"It's grrrreat to be here!" said Mike in a deep voice, making everybody laugh.

"Dumbass!" yelled Dustin from backstage.

El shook her head and snatched the microphone from her husband's hands playfully.

   "Anyways," giggled El, "This final song is something I wrote for a very special person. A man who still reads comic books and wears striped shirts. The boy who saved and loved me since we were thirteen. Someone who has helped me along the way and inspired me to keep going forward. I definitely would not be here alive if it weren't for you. I love you to the moon and back, Michael Wheeler. You're a beautiful thing."

The crowd awed loudly as El and Mike stared at each other with huge heart eyes.

El grabbed her ukulele and cued the band to begin. The lights dimmed to a baby pink, shining on her and Mike. She took a deep breath as the music began swaying around.

you think that you know my heart
and you probably do
so i'm always with you
i could stay with you for hours
in an empty room
and never get bored
never have nothing to do

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