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mike layed awake, staring at the ceiling. he couldn't sleep, again, after the fragile girl he loved came rushing to his house at night in tears.

she would always come late at night whenever something bad happened, and this was the case.

she had a big fight with hopper, about the subject he was always worried about.

mike and el's relationship.

it had only been almost two months since the snowball and she had run away to mike's house ten times.

it didn't really faze the kids, why would they need his opinion on their relationship?

but the more mike thought about it, the more concerned he got.

what if he made them breakup? what if he never let her come over? what if they were never aloud to see each other again?

his clouded thoughts were interrupted by the soft voice that belonged to jane hopper.

"what's wrong?" she whispered, rubbjng her eyes. mike glanced over at the clock and then back at her. 6:40am.

"nothing, i'm just not tired anymore." replied mike, laying on his side to face her.

el looked down in guilt, "i shouldn't have came, you could've gotten plenty of sleep."

mike quickly shook his head, "el, you should never feel guilty about coming here. i will help you, don't worry about me."

el just simply nodded, continuing to look down. mike cupped her face and brought her attention to him.

"don't worry, everything is alright." he suddenly thought of an idea that would cheer her up.

he stood up and hurried to the desk near his door, grabbing two jackets.

"what are you doing?" asked el, catching the jacket that was tossed to her.

"we're going outside to play." replied mike, putting on his jacket.

ever since el came back, she had found an interest for the characters in things such as video games, the arcade, and tv shows.

but she loved re-enacting them and playing out every scene. and that was one of the many things that cheered her up.

el perked up and quickly slipped her arms through the sleeves, running her hands through her not-so-curly hair.

she jumped up from the bed and followed mike out of the room, stopping in her tracks for a moment. "wait!"

mike turned around to see her rushing back into the room, a few seconds coming out with a pair of round glasses on, that belonged to steve.

he shook his head and connected his hand with hers, running downstairs towards the backyard.

el immediately drapped her red cape on, grabbing a plastic sword.

before mike could say something, el swung it at him, making him quickly dodge it. he picked up another sword and began fighting with her playfully.

a repetitive knock arose on the front door, both kids not being able to hear it.

nancy rushed down the stairs in her pajamas and opened the door, finding an angry, worried hopper.

"looking for el?" asked nancy, rubbing her eyes.

"is she here?" questioned hopper.
"yes, she came over yesterday night. but mike told me you gave her permission." explained nancy.

hopper shook his head, "may i come in?"

the teenager stepped out of the way and let him enter, her eyes following him into the living room.

he looked out from the window to see the two kids lauging and playing, both happy as ever.

she swung the sword again, making him tumble down as he still held his sword against hers.

the two stared into each others eyes and burst out laughing, el laying next to him on the grass.

hopper thought for a while, what was he thinking?

mike is the most mature, caring, and sweetest boy he knew. he never let el down, no matter what she did, he was by her side.

he loves her, and she loves him. and is there really any way he can change that?

"you know, he really cares about her. always does anything to make her happy. and whenever she comes at night, they do this in the morning. i think you have nothing to worry about, hop. my brother's a good kid." stated nancy, crossing her arms.

hopper took a deep breath and turned around, facing nancy. "tell el i'll be here to pick her up after work, please."

"of course." nodded nancy, a small smirk on her face.

she patted his shoulder as he walked over to the front door. he turned to wave goodbye, with a small smile, and shut the door, leaving nancy to examine the two kids.

el nuzzled her head on his chest, gazing at the peaking sun above the houses.

the mixture of pink, orange, and yellow colors made her feel at peace, especially when she was with the person she trusted the most.

"it's beautiful, isn't it?" asked el.
"not as beautiful as you." smiled mike.

she brought her attention towards the boy and let out a soft laugh.

"you're a dork, michael wheeler." giggled el.
"and you are an angel, jane hopper." smirked mike.

el shook her head and connected her lips with his, laying her hand on his chest.

mike grinend and wrapped an arm around her waist, feeling the ray of sunshine on his face.

she then layed her head back on his chest and continued watching the sunrise.

both eventually going back inside to watch a movie, both happy together.

a lame ending and oneshot but hey!

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