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el layed on her soft bed, holding the phone up to her ear as she played with the cord attached to it.

on the other side, mike talked with her about nothing in particular.

they mostly call each other just to hear each other's voices, even though they see each other everyday.

"okay uhm...david bowie or pink floyd!" asked el, smirking deviously.

she knew mike loved them both, playing the famous artist and band constantly.

she heard a loud groan on the other end, giggling quietly.

"they're both my favorite, there both equally great. and you know that!" stated mike.

el just laughed, "of course i know that, they're the only artists you play!"

suddenly, her bedroom door slammed open, making the girl scream in fright.

she accidentally knocked over the phone, disconnecting it from the call and focused on the person in the doorway wearing a large hoodie.

without hesitation she knocked over the person. but as she heard the groan escape the person's mouth, she knew exactly who it was.

"max?" questioned el, going over to the girl on the floor.

"no, it's mary smith. yes it's max!" complained max, taking off her hoodie.

"sorry, i just got scared." admitted el, helping the girl up.

max sighed, "it's alright, i shouldn't have just barged in like that under your circumstances. i just...need someone to talk to." as the two sat down on the bed, el noticed max's glossy, blue eyes.

"what's wrong?" asked el, afraid of what the answer may be.

max had talked to her and the group about what billy did to her, it was sort of similar to what brenner had done to el during her times at the lab, but the redhead would never cry when she told them. this was something different.

"it's lucas." sniffled max, fidgeting with her hands.

"what about him? what did he do? cause i will beat-" max cut her off shortly, a hint of laughter in her voice. "no, he didn't do anything bad."

"we were at the arcade, just the two of us. and we went outside to get some air and he told me..." trailed off max, tears threatening to surface once more.

"told you what?" max looked down in disappointment. "that he loves me. but being the coward i am, i ran off without saying anything."

el looked at her best friend with sympathy, "well, why didn't you say anything?"

"because, someone like lucas doesn't deserve me. he needs someone way better than me. i have way too many problems he doesn't need to be involved in." admitted max. "i love him with all of my heart, i really do. but his love shouldn't be wasted on me."

"and this was your only solution? running away without saying anything?" scoffed el.

"i didn't know what i was doing! i just paniced and went wherever my mind directed me too." burst out max, tears rushing down her cheeks. el looked at her hurt friend as she weeped, waiting for max to do something.

   "i don't want to lose him, el! i messed everything up." she cried, letting herself lean into the girl's awaiting embrace.

el stroke down her long hair as she sobbed in her chest, "you did not ruin anything. and you won't lose him."

   "how did it feel like when mike told you he loved you for the first time?" asked max.

a blush crept on el's cheeks as she recalled it.

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