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"'re ready!" exclaimed Nancy, removing the pink lipstick from the girl's lips. El jumped out of the chair and rushed over to the mirror, checking out how she looked.

"Don't worry. You look amazing!" stated Max, coming from behind her.

El wore a pink, sequins dress with silver heels, along with her hair put up in two buns.

"Me? Look at you! That dress is beautiful." complimented El, turning over to face her.

Max wore a long white dress with all sorts of beautiful designs and jewels.

Along with that, her and Lucas decided to match, both wearing white.

"You both look beautiful," said Nancy, going over to the two, "Now, lets run over the rules." Max and El rolled their eyes and shook their heads.

"Rule number one, no pulling pranks on the married couple." began Max.

"Rule number two, don't make stupid jokes or sounds while Joyce and Hopper are saying their vows." continued El.

"And rule number three-" The door slammed open, revealing all of the boys.

"Don't push Joyce's head in the cake when we're cutting it!" finished Dustin.

   "Wow, you guys look handsome!" smiled Nancy, going over to Jonathan. "Especially you."

   "Well you look beautiful." replied Jonathan, wrapping his fingers around her arms.

Mike looked around the crowd of people, noticing the two couples drool over each other while Steve, Dustin, and Will complimented each others outfits.

He then landed on the girl with the hazel eyes and found himself staring at her beauty.

El giggled and went over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I think you won best look."

   "Oh please, you look gorgeous." smirked Mike, awaking from his trance. He layed a kiss on her lips and quickly leaned out, realizing everyone was looking at them now.

   "Is there a problem?" asked El, furrowing her eyebrows.

   "You have lipstick on your mouth." laughed Lucas, pointing over to him.

   "You do too, dumbass!" shot back Mike, grabbing a tissue from the table.

Lucas looked over in the mirror and saw the smudge of lipgloss scattered across his lips. He covered his mouth and rushed over to get a tissue as well.

   "Max and El are wild man." scoffed Dustin. The two girls shot him a dirty look and shook their heads, going over to their boyfriends.

   "Where's mom?" asked Will, attempting to fix his bowtie. Steve went over and adjusted it for him, receiving a playful eyeroll from him.

   "She's getting ready in the other room with your mothers." replied Nancy, glancing at Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike.

   "And what about my dad?" questioned El.
   "He's in the chapel. You know, practicing his vows." said Jonathan.

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