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El's breathing hitched quietly, shifting uncomfortably in the car seat.

Hopper and Joyce sat up front, Lucas, Dustin and Will sat in the middle, and Mike and Jonathan sat beside her in the back.

They were all heading to the one place El had to go to.

515 Larrabee Road, Indiana.

Terry and Becky Ives residence.

El had been getting mini messages from the her mother.

At first, she didn't understand what she was saying but soon they was a call for help.

She demanded for Hopper to take her to their place and wanted Mike and the others to come.

But only limited people could come since they would overwhelm Terry and Becky so Nancy, Max, and Steve stayed behind, hoping for the best of their friend.

But as of now, all she felt was nervousness and fear.

   "Hey, it's okay. You'll be alright." soothed Mike, laying his hand on her shoulder, knowing Hopper was staring at them.

She gave him a small smile and grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently.

The car suddenly pulled to a rough stop, making them all jump.

   "We're here." stated Hopper, getting out of the car and slamming the door.

   "What the hell is his problem?" asked Lucas, furrowing his eyebrows as El jumped out of the car to follow her father.

   "He's not very fond of El's aunt. He doesn't think they're good influences. Don't let him bother you." replied Joyce, shaking her head.

Mike sighed in relief, shutting his eyes. This whole trip he had thought El would go back and stay with her mother and aunt to live there.

He couldn't live without her, they couldn't be separated again.

They all hopped out of the car and walked over to the front door.

Hopper pushed everyone behind him, allowing Jonathan up front.

   "Stay close. And don't say anything stupid." said Hopper.

   "Alright but why are you acting like we're about to face some demons you dumbass?" asked Dustin, totally done with his attitude.

Lucas, Will, El, and Mike clapped their hands over his mouth, hoping for the man to not kill their friend.

Hopper just shook his head and rang the door bell.

At first, nothing was heard. Not a single breath.

   "Well guess they're not here. Let's go!" exclaimed Hopper, pushing the people back.

Then, the door slowly creaked open a little bit.

El walked around them and towards the door, laying her hand on the knob.

The woman stood in shock and slammed the door, startling her.

   "Go away!" yelled Becky.

Mike rushed over to her and knocked on the door once more.

"Please, let us in." replied Mike.

Small footsteps were heard until the door creaked open once more.

"And who are you?" asked Becky.

   "Oh um-"
   "He's my boyfriend," answered El, holding his hand, "He's Mike."

   "You should see your niece suck his face literally like every damn day!" laughed Dustin.

Lucas, Will, and Jonathan smacked him hard, making him yelp.

   "Tell me again why the hell you're here?" whispered Hopper.

Becky scoffed at the comment and the boy's blushed cheeks.

   "Oh alright, and why should I let Romeo, Juliet, and the gang in?" questioned Becky.

"Because if you don't let us in right now, I swear I'll-" said Hopper, rushing to the door.

El stopped him and gently shot him back, a drip of blood escaping her nose.

"Ignore him! Just please, I need to see Mama." whispered El.

Becky's eyes lit up with relief, now knowing why her sister had been acting more strange than usual.

She opened the door fully, allowing her and the others in.

The house stayed the same as when El last came, making her feel a bit of warmth.

She held Mike's hand tigthly, her knuckles turning white.

   "El, it's alright. Everything is fine. Just breathe, like I taught you." whispered Mike.

He and the rest had taught her how to handle a panic attack or when she has a bad dream since she had them every so often.

She inhaled and exhaled quietly, slowly blinking.

Her and the rest followed Becky around the corner to see Terry in her wooden chair, rocking away.

"She uh-she's been talking about you." said Becky, chewing on her fingernails.

"Yeah, I know. She's been calling me." stated El, standing a few inches away from her mother.

"D-Do you think, maybe you can contact her? See what's going on?" questioned Becky.

"No, there's no way my daughter's going in that hell-"

"Yes, I will." interrupted El, giving him the deadliest glare he's ever seen.


El sat crisscrossed on the carpet infront of Terry, glancing over at Mike who was sitting beside her.

The kids and adults sat on the couch and separate seats, examining her actions.

Mike tied the cloth over her eyes as she held the picture of Terry that she had kept on with her since she found it.

"Don't get too freaky." smirked Dustin.

"Will you ever shut up?" asked Mike, rolling his eyes.

He felt her hand connect with his as he turned back to look at her.

A small stream of blood escaped her nose, indicating that she had entered Terry's mind.


El shot her eyes open to reveal an empty, blake landscape, water soaking her white converse.

She looked around slowly, searching for the one person she need to see.

And there she was, sitting in her wheelchair, looking straight forward into space.

El stepped forwards towards her mother, making sure to not make any splashes.

She reached out her hand and touched her hand, fearing that she would disappear.

But she didn't, all she did was turn her head to face her daughter. Her lip trembled reluctantly, trying to say something.

"What is it, Mama. What's wrong." asked El, deep fear bubbling up in her stomach.

Once the words slipped out of her mouth, she began breathing heavily.

Her heartbeat rose highly, her messy hair swaying around as she reached desperately for her daughter.

"Brenner! He's coming back."

sorry for updating slowly! i haven't had the time to update right now:(

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