all you need is love

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"love is all you need."

august 7, 1985 - 10:03am

"then he brought me back to my house and he kissed me. i played it off cool but almost had panic attack once i was in my room!" explained max.

she walked along el on a trail surrounded by dark green trees, talking about the date she recently had with lucas.

"that's nice, max." replied el, looking down at the ground.

the redhead shot her a glance and took a deep breath. "is everything okay? you've been a bit off since hopper dropped you off."

she finally looked up at her best friend and gave her a small smile. "yeah, i'm fine. i'm just nervous."

"about seeing the boys?" asked max, receiving a nod. "el, they're beyond happy to see you. especially mike."

   "i know, i'm happy to see them too." she said.
   "then what are you worried about?" asked max.

el furrowed her eyebrows as she continued to look down at the ground. after a few seconds of thinking, she looked up at the girl next to her. "do you think i'm pretty?"

max gave her a confused look but nodded nonetheless. "of course, el. anyone who doesn't is out of their minds. why do you ask?"

   "i've seen pretty girls on tv and magazines, and i don't look anything like them. i-i just don't want mike to think i'm ugly." she replied.

"cmon el! that boy can't get enough of you, he is absolutely in love with you." stated max.

el gave her friend a smile. "i don't know-"

she was quickly cut off as a group of girls began to walk towards the two, making max groan loudly.

"if it isn't bitchy maxine, along with some chick." said one of the two girls.

el examined them all closely. blonde and black silky hair, beautiful outfits, faces full of makeup. pretty, she thought.

"what are you doing here amanda, couldn't you annoy someone else right now?" said max, glaring at the blonde haired girl as she crossed her arms.

   "i wouldn't say we're annoying you, we just came to remind you about how much of a piece of shit you are." smirked the black haired girl.

   "and heather finally speaks, i was actually hoping i wouldn't hear your irritating voice!" exclaimed max.

el just quietly examined the situation until all eyes layed on her.

   "i see you finally made a friend that isn't a boy! what a surprise, is she as obnoxious as you?" asked amanda.

   "just leave her alone and go away." sighed max, growing tired of the argument.

   "wait a minute, isn't she dating that wheeler kid?" asked heather. the blonde looked at her friend in confusion, asking who he was. "really tall, black hair, a real cutie. i've seen them around town. tell me, are you and him a thing?"

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