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Hawkins Middle School gym filled with 30 students during P.E. for a game of Dodgeball. Five of those kids happened to be Mike, Eleven, Will, Dustin, and Lucas.

The coach seperated the class into two groups. They were lucky enough to all be in the same team but the unlucky part was that Troy was on the other team. He had always targeted the boys during these games. He'd hit them in the face or trip them on purpose. But now that El was here, that was going to change.

"Ready, Set, GO!" yelled the coach, blowing her whistle. The boys scurried around the place, dodging the balls. El caught a ball and threw it at a boy harshly, making him bleed through his nose. Everyone watched in shock as El basically knocked out everyone on the other team.

The only ones left in the game were El, Mike, Troy, and James. Mike picked up a ball and threw it as hard as he could at James. It hit his arm swiftly.
"Out!" yelled the coach. Eleven jumped up in joy, her short, luscious hair bouncing wildly, and congratulated Mike by hugging him. Suddenly, a ball hit El's face, making her fall to the ground harshly. Lucas, Dustin, and Will helped her up and took her to the bench. Mike bubbled up with anger. Troy evily smriked at him, throwing a ball at him. Mike's instincts kicked in and immediately dodged it. He picked up the ball and shot it at Troy, sending him to the hard, cold floor.
"And Troy's out! The blue team wins!" yelled the coach.

Mike's team cheered and rushed towards him.
"That was amazing!" said Lucas.
"You rocked out there man!" said Dustin. Mike smiled at his friends compliments but faded away as he saw an angered Troy coming their way. Troy pushed Dustin and Lucas out of the way, coming face to face with Mike.
"I know you cheated," whispered Troy, "Really sad to have your girlfriend play for you." Mike looked at him straight in the eye.
"I didn't cheat," whispered Mike, "And at least I have a girlfriend."

Troy gave him a death glare.
"Your dead Wheeler!" yelled Troy. He brought up his fist and was about to punch Mike but something was holding him back. Everyone looked in confusion as they saw Troy stand there awkwardly. Then, Troy started crying hysterically. Everyone laughed at his sudden outburst.
"Crying because little Mikey beat him!"
"What a crybaby!"
Mike looked back at El, a small stream of blood escaping her nose. Mike hurried to El and wiped the blood.

"You did awesome back there El!" he said, smiling. El smiled back and kissed his cheek. He stood in shock, cheeks as red as a tomato. El laughed and took his hand.
"Jeez guys get a room!" said Dustin. Mike and El giggled, exiting out the room hand in hand.

I actually really like this oneshot:) Comment requests guys! Love u<3

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