worlds collide

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   "The U.S military will be sending a nuclear weapon on the city in an hour," stated the general, "You must leave the island at once. The helicopter will take you somewhere safe."

The party immediately began to argue with the marines and general, in fear on what would happen.

   "You can't do that!" yelled Mike, pushing the others aside. "My girlfriend is still up there!"

   "Sorry kid, the decision has been made. Unless you have any better idea, this will be done."

Mike pushed the general backwards and rushed over to the edge of the building.

Eleven flew just a few inches above the platform, staring out into the city dully. She had been through so much in her life, this possibly being the worse.

Tears formed in his eyes as he thought of the consequences of the love of his life dying.

There had to be another way than to kill her. He'd rather die trying to save her than do nothing and watch her perish.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. He rushed over and began explaining the plan, eager to get to the girl.


Eleven stood on the Freedom tower as she looked out at the breathtaking city she destroyed, tears affecting her glowing eyes.

Her white off-shoulder dress blew in the wind, along with her short, brown hair.

Vines covered the entire place, buildings and trees destroyed. She had caused all of this. She destroyed everything she knew and loved.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps spread out across the platform. She turned around, seeing nothing in sight, and briskly walked through the levels of the platform.

   "I've spent the last five days wondering how to help you." spoke a familar voice, "I've thought of everything possible. I even looked through files, trying to find other people with powers to find you-but none of them were powerful enough. But then I remembered, that nothing helped you forget your troubles more than a good story. So I wrote one, here goes."

A tall, dark haired figure stepped out from behind a support beam, and El hit him with a bright burst of light.

He collapsed on the platform, knocking him unconscious.

She had hurt the love of her life, breaking the spell temporarily.

   "Mike!" yelled El, hurrying to her boyfriend's side.

As she arrived, it turned out that wasn't who she thought it was. It was Will, her brother had been transformed to look like Mike.

As she realized the trick, the spell returned quickly. The real Mike cleared his throat and began the story.

   "Once upon a time, a little girl lived a horrible life. She was different from the others, being imprisoned in a lab. They experimented on her, treating her badly. Soon, she became tired of the treatment and ran away, not know where or what anything was."

El saw Mike sitting on the antenna, hitting him with light. What she found instead was Max lying on the ground.

   "The thing was, a boy had also gone missing at the same time, laying everyone on the edge. Will's friends Dustin, Lucas and Mike begin investigating his disappearance. While looking for him in the local forest, the boys find a girl with a shaved head in a big yellow shirt, who they let stay in Mike's basement. She seemed scared, not knowing what was going on. They learn her name is Eleven and that she has psychokinetic abilities."

El saw her boyfriend run across the third level of the platform. She zapped him with another burst of light, making him fall to the ground.

However, she found Dustin lying on the floor when she went to check up on him.

   "They let her stay with them and go on many adventures to find their missing friend. After pulling together all their knowledge and speculation on the supernatural events, the boys search for a Gate to the other world, the Upside Down. They eventually realize that Eleven, afraid of the lab and the Upside Down, has been misguiding them while exploring through Hawkins. Lucas thought she was a monster, but Mike thought otherwise. He knew she was not the monster. He knew she was just trying to protect them. A fight breaks out, resulting in Lucas being injured by Eleven and Mike leading her to run away."

Mike appeared on the bottom level of the platform. She blasted him with a beam of light and discovered that it was actually Lucas.

This time the spell didn't break, she knew what he was doing.

   "While Lucas attempts to once more find the Gate, Mike and Dustin try to find Eleven. What they find instead is two mouthbreathers who threaten them. Mike finds himself jumping off the quarry, only to be saved by their friend. The three return with Lucas and hide from the bad men who now know where she is."

Mike popped from behind a satellite dish. She struck him with another burst of light and Jonathan collapsed on the floor.

   "The kids join with the others and break into Hawkins Middle School, trying to contact Will. Eleven does as so, weakening slowly, as the adults set off to find the boy. Meanwhile, Mike and El wait in the cafeteria, where they share a kiss that declares their feelings for each other. Then, agents storm the school, but Eleven kills many of them, crushing their brains. As Brenner recovers Eleven, the monster, attracted by blood, enters the school and attacks them."

El saw Mike skipping across the platform above her. She hit him with a ray of light and Nancy rolled onto the roof.

   "The boys escape with her and hide in a classroom, Mike comforting Eleven. He promised her a better life. He promised her that everything would be okay. But the monster finds and attacks them. Eleven pins the creature against a wall, with all of the power she has left, and says goodbye to Mike. In a painful act, Eleven dissolves the creature into a thick mist in which she too vanishes."

Mike suddenly peaked from behind the antenna, being struck with a powerful ray of light as he transformed into Steve.

   "Almost a year past by where Mike never failed to call her, in hopes that she would answer. She left him heartbroken. She was the only one that could fix it. What he didn't know was that she was safe with the cheif right in Hawkins, also missing the boy. Soon enough, they reunited after 353 days. Long, painful days without each other. She saved them all, trapping the monster and closing the gate. The two soon began their lives with each other, their love growing stronger. That is until the monster escaped, looking for his next victim." he spoke.

Her eyes began to shade back into its original hazel color, her hair also settling down.

   "Stop it!" shouted El, tears rushing down her cheeks.

   "They love each other! All they want is nothing but happiness for one another. They would never let anything bad happen to each other but he did. He let the shadow monster hurt his girlfriend and you know what?"

The real Mike jumped out from his hiding spot, standing a few feet away from her.

This time, El didn't hit him with a beam of light, nor did she go to him. She knew it was him.

   "He is going to save her. Mike is going to get his El back, no matter what it takes."

And with that, the two disappeared into thin air, going to the one place he knew would bring her back.

Hawkins, Indiana.

two part au based on the sixth book of the land of stories series! so basically, el's been possessed by the mind flayer and it's been controlling and making her destroy the world. she first started with hawkins and now she's in new york. they all went to go stop her but she was getting more and more dangerous. the party, along with the three teens, made a plan to bring her back while the adults stayed back in hawkins to take care of the others.

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