summer of love

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the party rode along the streets of hawkins, seeing the vibrant people and familar places as they went by.

max steadied herself on her skateboard aside lucas, dustin, and will, who all rode on their bikes.

and in front rode mike and el on their bikes as well, taking on their own conversation.

the boy had taught her how to ride the way of transportation a few months ago, and ever since then they had gone on a bunch of rides around the city to explore.

it was one of the few days she was able to go out, and with the whole party.

to say the least, she was beyond excited to go to the new starcourt mall they all had been talking about to her.

   "steve started working there about a week ago, and he hates it there. but he really likes his coworker named robin, which is one of the reasons he hasn't quit." explained mike.

the girl beside him let out a small laugh, "steve working at an ice cream store? that's unusual."

   "believe me, he looks hilarious in his uniform." he continued.

   "damn right, he should just quit already!" butted in dustin.

max scoffed, "oh shut up, he's literally only been working there for a week! and even if he where to think of quitting already, i'll smack some sense into him."

   "plus, you're only saying that because he doesn't spend that much time with you anymore." affirmed lucas.

the whole party laughed as dustin gave them all a glare. "not true!"

   "it's okay, dustin. but he really needs the job right now." sighed will.

   "whatever, i don't even care." lied the curly-haired boy as he kept his eyes on the road ahead.

   "your expression says otherwise." added lucas. his best friend rolled his eyes, "alright, you know what-"

   "there it is, el!" max cut them off as she pointed at large structure in the distance.

el looked at the mall in awe as they rode down the parking lot, eventually parking their bikes and skateboard in its designated area.

mike quickly got off of his bike and went towards el, connecting his hand with hers as she got off.

they all stood together, smiling as they saw el study the bright building.

her boyfriend looked at the direction she was, "and this is starcourt mall, let's go."

the party eagerly traveled towards the entrance of the mall and went inside.

families, friends, and of course teenagers roamed around freely. some shopping in stores, others dining at the food court, and more just enjoying and hanging out.

starcourt mall has it all.

   "woah..." gawked el, examining around with wide eyes.

   "cool, isn't it?" asked dustin. she nodded quickly and then looked up at mike, "where do we go first?"

mike perked up at her voice, nervously glancing at his friends beside him. "oh uh, we're going to t-the ice cream parlor! which is right there, c'mon guys."

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