loving is easy

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mike rode on his bike along the road, the bright sun hitting his subtle tanned skin.

it was the summer of 1985, almost ten months after el had closed the gate.

it had also been the best ten months of mike's life. he was extremely happy to have her back, living the life she deserves to live. with him.

during this time, they had been able to know more about each other. the full party now hangs out and has sleepovers at each other's houses.

everyone was at peace, safe in the small town of hawkins. and it was all thanks to el.

but another thing that the two were discovering during those ten months was their relationship.

it was obvious they both had a much stronger connection than any label that was put on them.

but they had never really gone on any dates, just mike going to the cabin or all of them hanging out.

that's why yesterday night, he asked.

mike sat on his bed, his leg bouncing up and down. he stared at the telephone on his bestand, debating whether to call the number or not.

would she even answer, will she say yes? and even though the answer to his questions could go the wrong way, he picked up the phone and dialed in the familar number.

not even two seconds later he heard the sweet and soft voice of jane hopper.

   "hi mike!" she said with enthusiasm. she always sounded happy when she talked to mike, and that made him even more.

   "hey el, how are you and hopper?" he asked, fiddling with the cord.

   "were both fine, i'm a little tired though. i haven't really gotten enough sleep." replied el.

he frowned, she was having nightmares again. hopper would usually call him whenever she had them, and he would recieve many phone calls from the man, but they stopped calling.

mostly since hopper wanted to let him have a good night sleep, and because el didn't want him to worry about her. "oh, i can call you tomorrow if you-"

   "no! i still want to talk to you, i like hearing your voice." she quickly cut him off.

"thanks, i like hearing your voice too." he grinned.

it was true, el had such a soothing voice. whenever the soft sound filled his ears, he couldn't help but smile.

there was a few seconds of silence until el said something, "so what brings you here?"

mike felt his throat dry up, "oh yeah-uhm...i wanted to ask you something."

he began to panic as he heard her mumble "yes" and quietly cursed at himself.

"mike?" she called after moments of quietness, except for his breathing. "what is it?"

"would you like to go on a date with me?" he blurted out, squezzing his eyes shut as he awaited an answer.

as soon as he heard her answer after a few moments, the biggest smile spread across his face. "yes, i'd love to go out with you."

"t-that's great. really great. i'll pick you up tomorrow at seven, and i'll call hopper in the morning." he informed.

"good, i'll be ready." giggled el.

mike glanced at the clock that read ten thirty pm. "i gotta go now, it's getting pretty late."

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