help me pt.2

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The smell of medicine roamed around the small white room.

El fluttered her eyes open to reveal four figures standing around, speaking to one another.

"This is the tenth time this has happened to her and what are they doing? Nothing! I'm telling you they're no help!" whispered Joyce.

She was hooked up to many wires and wore a hospital gown. The soft blanket, as she remembered Mike had gifted her, brought warmth to her.

She slightly turned her head to see a boy sitting beside her, holding her cold hand in his.

   "M-Mike." whispered El.

He whipped his head up from looking at the ground and stared into her hazel eyes.

   "El your awake!" gasped Mike, "We were so worried about you." He pulled her to a tight embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist.

   "What happened?" asked El, arms still around Mike's neck.

   "Sweetie, you don't remember anything that happened?" asked Joyce, walking closer to her. El shook her head.

   "We were walking out of school and then you stopped. You just stood there, staring off into the distance. Your eyes were red and black veins popped out of your neck. After a while, you fell backwards and fainted." sniffled Will.

El closed her eyes and tried to focus on remembering the past events that apparently occured.

   "I-I remember some parts," stuttered El, "Like how I-I was at home b-but a darker version. A-And then a huge-shadow emerged from up in the sky. It tried to get to me, it wouldn't have if it weren't for-"

   "Who?" asked Jonathan, leaning beside Will.

   "Papa. He's not dead, he said t-that there's a monster inside of m-me. It's going to kill all of us. It's dangerous...I'm dangerous! That shadow monster got me! It's a part of me! I'm the monster!" yelled El.

Hopper kneeled beside El and attempted to grab her hand.
   "Honey, it'll be ok-"

El slapped the hand away and breathed heavily.
   "Don't touch me. If you're going to lie, don't talk to me." growled El.

The edges of her pupil tinted dark red, showing anger and pain.

    "We're not lying-"

   "But you are. I know it. I've been in this hellhole my whole life and I really don't want to be here anymore." stated El, gently squeezing Mike's hand.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing Dr. Johnson.

   "Hey kiddo! You woke up." smiled Dr. Johnson.

El frowned at the sight of a doctor and buried her head in Mike's chest.

    "I see she's not in the mood," said the doctor, "Uh-may I speak to you two?"

   "What about us?" said Will, gesturing towards the other two boys.

    "Yeah, we deserve to what's going on." continued Jonathan. Dr. Owens looked at the adults for approval.

    "Fine, but remember. Everything that happens, is kept to yourself." stated Joyce.

   "I'll be right back El." frowned Mike, cupping her face.
   "Promise?" sniffled El.

   "Promise. Now get some rest, you've had a long day." smiled Mike.

She lied her head down on the bed and shut her eyes close. He layed a soft kiss on her forehead and headed to the door.

He looked back one last time at the love of his life and closed the door gently.

"So, what's up with her?" asked Hopper, following the doctor into a meeting room.

It was the exact same one from before when Will was going through the same experience. Six other doctors sat on the chairs, analyzing data.

"That shadow monster, it did something to her." sighed the doctor, "These...episodes she's been having, how long has she had them?"

"Since last Sunday when we were at the park." said Joyce, shaking her head.

"And why haven't you been bringing her in?" asked the doctor.

"We have been bringing her in, and what have you done? Nothing." frowned Hopper.

"These are symptoms that we've never seen before."

"No. No, we've been telling you that these have happened before. She has told you that something's wrong over and over and you've been saying it's all in her head!" sighed Jonathan.

"I understand you're all upset. I do. But you need to be patient-"

"I've been here ever since her first episode and that's all you've told us, be patient. We've been waiting too long!" explained Will.

"We really are doing our best. She is a extraordinary, dangerous little girl and has to be treated delicately." said the doctor.

"And what are you treating her for exactly, huh?" asked Mike, growing frustrated, "It's been almost two weeks and you still haven't figured out what is going on!" He stomped over to the front of the table, gaining the other doctors attention.

"That "little girl" is not dangerous! She is the sweetest, most lovable person I know. The fact that you shitheads won't do anything to help her when she has saved your lives is disgusting!" He had been building up his anger for so long and now, he was letting it out.

"Can anyone tell me what's wrong with her? Can a single person in this room tell me what is wrong with my girlfriend?" scoffed Mike, looking over the oblivious doctors.

"What is wrong with my girlfriend!" yelled Mike, throwing his hands on the table. The doctors looked at one another, debating on what to say.

"Are you all seriously this dense? She's suffering inside! That shadow monster that was supposedly defeated is still alive. It's feeding off her energy, just like it did with Will! Next time, work a little harder to find out rather than a fourteen year old figuring it out for you!"

And with that, he stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut. He leaned againts the wall beside the other door, breathing heavily.

He took a deep breath and opened the door quietly.

El layed down on the bed, sleeping peacefully. He sat beside her and held her cold hand.

"We'll get through this, El. If these stupid doctors can't help you, I will. Me and the others, we'll save you." sniffled Mike.

A single tear slid down his cheek as he placed a kiss on her cheek. The curves of her mouth formed a small smile, making Mike smile as well.

"I love you." He leaned back on his chair and fluttered his eyes close, hand still intertwined with hers.

final part lol:)

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