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mike and eleven sat on the rooftop of the building, staring up at the other tall, astonishing towers.

they reflected on their faces, silver and blue lights making there way around the city.

for summer break hopper and joyce planned a vacation for their family, including the party and teens.

joyce looked at is as "a calm break from everything" while hopper thought of it as "a break from hell to all of the kids parents"

they were staying at the londonhouse in chicago for two weeks, and so far it had been their first day here.

   "it's beautiful, isn't it?" asked el, keeping her eyes up at the sky.

   "yeah, it really is." replied mike. "i always loved looking up at the stars and constellations."

el suddenly brought her focus towards him, slightly tilting her head. "constellations?"

   "it's a group of stars that form imaginary outlines or meaningful patterns in the sky." explained mike.

   "or on your face?" questioned el.

mike furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean."

the girl brought her hand up and gently poked his cheeks, smiling. "those."

he felt himself blush, "they're sort of like that."

   "why do you like the c-constellations?" said el, questioning herself at the new word.

   "it's a long story, you probably wouldn't care anyways." frowned mike.

el moved herself to face him and looked into his eyes. "well, i do care. and i would really like to know."

mike gave her a small smirk and turned to face her as well. "when i was nine, nancy would take me to the park and us both would watch the stars. she also loved gazing up at the stars too, a lot more than me. she would tell me what constellations they were and the background to them, she had them all memorized. but then the more we went out, the more i realized it was a way for her and i to escape."

   "escape? from what?" questioned el.

   "my dad. he always fought with nancy and my mom. no matter what they did, it was always wrong for him. and since my mom was pregnant, he really couldn't take it out on her so-"

   "he took it out on nancy, and you." finished el, noticing his glossy eyes.

he slowly nodded, "we stopped seeing the stars after holly was born, because nancy had to protect her along with my mom and me from my dad now. but whenever she couldn't, he would always make me feel like shit. h-he never cared about how well i did in school, he made fun of me because i wanted to actually do something better than what he wanted me to do. and my mom couldn't do anything about it, with holly and all."

   "but then, will went missing. i found you, and everything changed. it felt like i had a purpose, that i made someone feel happy and safe. and then, when you disappeared, i-i just felt so alone, and so scared. i had no idea where or what happened to you."

   "but you didn't give up, you called me for 353 days." stated el.

   "yes. and each day that passed by, the more i realized that you meant so much more to me than i ever thought. and then you came back, it finally taught me that you're my escape. my best friend, and most importantly the love of my life." grinned mike, tears trickling down his cheeks.

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