help me pt.1

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   "How the hell do you get an F on an open book quiz?" asked Will, glancing at Max.

   "Even I amaze myself sometimes." muttered Max, "Anyways, how's it been living with Will, El?"

The three exited the school building, exposing their skin to the sunlight.

"It's been great! Their so nice and fun, I'm really glad we're all a family now." smiled El.

"Well we love to have you and Hopper. It's really cool to have a sibling my age now." grinned Will.

"Yeah, you guys have the best parents in Hawkins." muttered Max. The two kids gave her a confused glance.

"Oh come on, Joyce and Hopper are the most badass people I know! They never give up and know how to handle a lot of things." replied Max.

"I guess you're right. What do you think El-"

He stopped short as he realized she was no longer next to them.

He turned around to face the pale girl with dark red eyes, black veins popping out of her neck. Sweat dripped down her face as she breathed heavily.

"Woah El!" shouted Max. They rushed to her and shook her shoulders gently.

"What's going on?" asked Max.
"I don't know, but it isn't good." said Will.

Suddenly, a wave of fear and worry rushed over him. A faint voice arose from the back of his head. He closed his eyes and focused on El.

Then, four words bounced off his head. Four words that he knew meant the beginning of a disaster. One were nothing would be the same after.

"Help me please. Dying." screamed El.

And with that, her red eyes rolled in the back of her head, shutting down to the world. She stumbled backwards with a loud thump, worrying the two kids.

"Get the others now." demanded Will, kneeling down and holding her in his arms.

"W-What? Will, I don't-"
"I said now, Max! Hurry!" yelled Will.


Mike, Lucas, and Dustin walked the empty halls, speaking about random things.

"How's the relationship?" smirked Dustin, nudging the dark skinned boy mext to him.

"Max? She's great! Really feisty but nice, just what I love about her." replied Lucas.

"Speaking of Max." scoffed Mike, gesturing at the red haired girl running towards them.

"Woah, what's wrong?" questioned Lucas, catching her before she collapsed.

"I-It's terrible, we need help!" breathed Max.
"Max, what's wrong?"

"It's El, something's going on with her. Something bad." answered Max, looking at the boys.

Mike didn't need to hear another word to start running the direction Max came from. He ran out of the building to see a boy holding a girl in his arms.

"El!" shouted Mike, rushing beside them.

"What happened? W-What's going on!" yelled Mike, now holding the girl in his arms.

"We were talking and then all of sudden she stops. We look back and she's stood still with red eyes and black veins. Then, she's on the floor unconscious and magician boy over here tells me to get you guys!" explained Max.

"Something is wrong with her. I'm not entirely sure what it is yet but we're about to find out."

Will shut his eyelids and moved them around, focusing once more on El.


El looked around the place she calls home, only a darker version of it.

"Max? Will?" said El, getting to her feet. There was no sign of them, or anyone for that matter.

"Will? Will!" shouted El, rushing around the place.

Dark blue clouds rolled around the black sky, vines covered around everything.

Suddenly, a loud growl arose from behind. She slowly turned around to see a red part of the sky glimmer with a terrifying creature. One she thought for sure was gone.

The Mind Flayer, speeding closer and closer to her. She breathed heavily, fighting back tears, and focused on the monster.

For a second, it curled back in its original spot only to rush towards her when she loses her senses.

Another figure appeared beside her. A tall man with grey hair and a black suit.

"Forget about me again? How tragic." smirked Brenner. El looked at him in shock, tears forming in her eyes.

"You should have listened to me Eleven. I told you but you have to have everything your way. That wound grew into a hideous monster. It spread. Now, it will kill you and your family. Everyone you love."


The black shadow surrounded the terrifying girl, making its way inside her. A painful and terrifying experience.


El opened her eyes, a few tears rolling down her cheeks, and shot up. She looked at the three kids stood above her and the two kneeled beside.

"El! Are you okay?" asked Mike.
"I-I can't b-bre-athe." stuttered El, struggling to catch her breath.

"Guys call the ambulance, now!" ordered Will.

El slowly felt herself slip into a deep sleep, one she didn't want to be in.

"Don't worry El, we'll figure this out." sighed Mike.

As she closed her eyes, the sound of sirens and Mike's cries filled her ears, something she didn't want want to hear.

this literally had no mileven but the next part will i swear, and sorry if this sounds more like a chapter to a story lol:)

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