she wants me to find her (pt.1)

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Mike moped down into the basement. He ploped down on his couch and stared into the wall, that is until something caught his eye.

He looked over at the Millennium Falcon placed neatly on the table. He reached over to it and held in on his lap, reminding him of her.

"Just imagine all of the other cool stuff she can do," said Dustin, "Like..." He went over to reach the toy.

"I bet... She could make this fly!" said Dustin. He held it out in front of Eleven.

"Hey," whispered Dustin, "Okay. Concentrate." He let go of the vehicle and it dropped to the floor. Eleven stared at him, confused.

"Okay. One more time," muttered Dustin, picking up the toy, "Use your powers." He let go and it fell again, clattering on the ground.
"Idiot." sighed Lucas.

Mike pushed Dustin out of the way and picked up the Millennium Falcon.
"She's not a dog!" yelled Mike.

Her whole life she had been treated like a dog. It upsets Mike that she had no love, that no one believed in her. She deserved all the happiness in the world.

He looked over at her lonley fort and sighed.

El sat in the small fort, messing around with the walkie-talkie.

"El?" called Mike. He walked down the stairs holding a tray, Dustin and Lucas following behind.

"No adults. Just us and some meatloaf." said Mike, setting the tray down. Eleven looked up at the two boys standing behind Mike.

"Don't worry. They won't tell anyone about you," said Mike, "They promise. Right?"
"We never would've upset you if we knew you had super powers." grinned Dustin. Mike smacked Dustin's leg.

"Ow!" whispered Dustin. Mike looked back at El.

"What Dustin is trying to say is that they were just scared earlier." said Mike.

"We just wanted to find our friend." sighed Lucas. Eleven gave him a confused look.

"What is "friend"?" stuttered Eleven. Lucas looked at them with a "Are you serious?" look.

"Um...a friend-"
"Is someone that you'd anything for." said Mike.

He promised his friends he wouldn't do this anymore but he had to do it, just one last time.

He set aside the the toy and picked up his walkie talkie. He stood up and sat down in the fort. He played around with the buttons and finally pressed one.

"E-Eleven," stuttered Mike, "I know your probably not going to answer but if you're out there just please...give me a sign."

The room filled with static as tears rolled down Mike's cheeks. He let go of the button and layed down on the blankets, wiping his tears away.

Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the device. Mike shot up and grabbed it. He put his ear close to it and there it was. Her voice.
"Mike?" whispered Eleven.

"E-Eleven? Where are you?" cried Mike. There came muffled screaming and loud bangs from the walkie-talkie.

"Are you ok?" yelled Mike.
"MIKE! P-Please help," sobbed Eleven, "I-I don't know where I am's scary." The voice began to get quieter by the second.

"Don't worry El," said Mike, "I will find you." And with that, the room went static again.

Mike stood up and called Lucas, Dustin, and Max. He needed help with this and those were the only people he trusted right now.

Later, three kids came scurrying down the stairs.

"What is going on?" said Lucas.
"You sounded hella scared when you called!" yelled Max. Mike paced around the room, sighing in every turn.

"Mike," said Lucas, Dustin, and Max, "MIKE!" Mike stopped and looked them all straight in the eye.

"She's alive. Eleven is alive."

Another two part story! This one is actually happy lol:) Also, i'm glad you guys are liking the book! I honestly think my writing is shit:,)

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