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May 27, 1988

Eleven sat in class, listening to Mr. Clarke talk about Science. Max sat beside her, chewing gum very loudly.

   "Hey," whispered El, "Can you maybe not chew that damn gum so loudly?" Max giggled and spit the gum out.

The phone suddenly rang, making Max gasp.

   "Calm down! It's just the telephone." laughed El.

Max nervously nodded. She had totally forgotten about the surprise.

   "Mr. Clarke's room, teacher speaking." said Mr. Clarke.
   "Mhm, ok. Oh I see! I'll send them up, and good luck!" He layed the phone back down.

   "Maxine-I mean Max," smiled Mr. Clarke, "And Jane, you're needed in the office!"

Max jumped up and ran to the door. El carefully got up and followed her.

"Why do you think they need us?" questioned El.
"I don't know!" giggled Max nervously.

She ran to the office door and slammed it open. El shook her head and rushed over.

"What the hell-Lucas, Will, Dustin?" asked El.

"We have a little surprise for you, El!" said Will.
"Yeah, you're gonna love it!" exclaimed Dustin. They lead her outside of the office.

Golden lights mysteriously appeared on the floor, leading them down the hallway.

"Do you know what's going on?" said El.
"Yes," nodded Max, "Don't be nervous, you're really going to love it!"

They stopped right outside the gym and opened the double doors.

Silver lights shined the place as pink streamers hung around. A trail of gold lights lead her to the one and only, Michael Wheeler.

She gasped and looked at her friends. They gestured her to follow the lights.
She eagerly did as told and stared into his eyes.

"El, you are the most gorgeous, sweet girl I've ever layed eyes on," said Mike, "You deserve everything good in this world."

He handed her a little box with a red bow on top. She raised her eyebrow and opened it.

There was a golden ring with a pink diamond. The word, "Promise" was imprinted on the side. She admired the jewelry and looked up.

"Eleven," grinned Mike, sliding the ring on her finger, "Will you be my date to the prom?" El nodded excitedly.

"Yes, definitely!" said El. She leaned in and kissed the overwhelmed boy.

She jerked him forward, making him wrap his arms around her waist. They leaned out and smiled.

"I'm so lucky to have you in my life." said El.
"Yeah, you are." joked Mike.

They giggled and held each other as the lights shined on their faces.

this is really short lol, hope you like it:)

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