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Mike layed on the pink bed, arms wrapped around El's torso. Multiple soft blankets covered their bodies, the pillows feeling warm as their heads layed on them.

He lifted his head a bit and looked at the clock.


Five more hours till school starts.

His dark curly hair hovered over his half opened eyes, making him groan. He carefully removed his arms from the girl's waist and got off the bed, removing his hair from his face. He went over to the window and closed the curtain slowly, keeping the night sky's glow outside.

He then opened the door and walked briskly downstairs to the kitchen, making sure not to wake the others.

He went over to the fridge and opened it, squinting at the bright light. He scanned the cool area and grabbed a water bottle, closing the door gently.

Just then, he saw a tall figure leaning against the counter beside him. He gaped his mouth open to let out a scream but felt a hand cover it.

   "Hold your screaming, Wheeler! It's just me." whispered a familar voice.

   "Hopper?" questioned Mike in a muffled voice. The man removed his hand from his mouth and nodded slowly.

   "What are you doing up?" asked Mike.
   "I kinda have a job to go to," sighed Hopper, "And what are you doing at this hour? You should be asleep."

   "I couldn't sleep." admitted Mike, taking a sip of the water.

   "And why is that?"
   "Because! It's her first day of school today, the kids their can be horrible." muttered Mike.

   "Hey, everything will be alright. You both have all of the same classes together and she's in the little club of yours too!" calmed Hopper.

   "The AV Club." corrected Mike, rolling his eyes.

   "Yeah, whatever. But my point is she'll be fine. I mean, she has you and the others. They won't let anyone get to her. And I know you won't either." Mike looked at him for a good minute and nodded, finally being at peace. There was a long silence until it was broken by the man who had already made his coffee, "Uh, kid?"

"Yeah?" replied Mike, setting down his bottle.

"I-I've been meaning to talk to you for some time," stuttered Hopper, sitting on one of the chairs, "Sit here."

Mike furrowed his eyebrow and hesitantly sat down on the chair beside him.

"So, you seem to be very interested in El." said Hopper.

The boy bit his lip and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms and nodding.

"And I was wondering, what are your intentions with my daughter?" asked Hopper, desperately holding in a laugh.

"My intentions? I just want her to be happy, she deserves the world." stated Mike.

"I agree," sighed Hop, "And where do you see yourself in the future?"

"Is this really nesessary?" asked Mike, growing uncomfortable.

He felt a lot of feelings for the girl, all good of course. Everyone had already known the Mike loved El and she loved him but Hopper was the only one who wasn't convinced. I mean, a father can always be a bit overprotective of their child, especially when they're dating someone.

"Yes! I don't want my daughter dating someone who may break her heart in the future." admitted Hopper

Michael Wheeler, a straight-A student with a great personality and a heart full of love. He was the perfect one for El, sharing the same interests and both holding the same, big amount of love towards each other.

The moment they met, a connection sparked between the two. Since then, the two have been inseparable, always staying over or just hanging out.

Mike stared at him with shock which was soon replaced with anger. Of course Jim Hopper thought this.

"El is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She makes me feel something that I never thought I would ever feel. Something beyond my power I'm sure. Whatever it is I'm going through, she's right there next to me. She has made me and all of us a better person. I will never hurt or leave her for as long as I live. No matter what you or anyone says or thinks, I will always be by her side and keep her safe. I love her, so much." stated Mike.

Hopper stared at the boy with a blank expression.

He couldn't be serious, right?

But the more he looked at the dead serious glare Mike gave him, the more he started to believe what he said.

"You love her?" questioned Hopper.

"I love your daughter, Hopper. I've loved her for almost three years and will continue to for the rest of my life. And I know that her and I will be together in the future, living a happy life with our family." grinned Mike.

He pushed back the chair and stood up, walking over to the staircase.

As he stepped up a few steps, he turned back and smirked at the man's dumbfounded expression.

   "And, you will definitely not be the one to stop that." growled Mike. He gave him a smile and stomped up the stairs.

   "Have a nice day at work!" he called, leaving Hopper shocked as he went in El's room and shut the door close.

wow this sucks!

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