forgive me

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Mike walked past the halls of his school. He was going to meet up with his friends and go to the arcade. Suddenly, a hand pulled him into a room. Mike tried to speak but was interrupted by someone smashing their lips on his. And those weren't Eleven's.

Eleven walked around the school searcing for Mike. Lucas and Dustin panted towards her.

"Did you find him?" asked El. Dustin and Lucas shook their heads and slid down the wall.
"W-We ran t-he whole school!" stuttered Dustin.
"If I take one more step, I'm gonna die!" complained Lucas.

Will and Max walked down the hall to their group of friends.
"No sign of him anywhere," sighed Will, "I mean we checked everywhere!" Max sighed but then gasped.

"What?" said El.
"Have we checked the Drama Room?" questioned Max. Everyone shook their heads and El started off to the room.

El continued past the hallway and stopped at the door. She hesitated to open it and once she did, she regretted it.

Mike was cornered in the room, a girl with long blonde hair kissing him passionately. They turned their heads to the girl standing at the door.
"E-El." breathed Mike. He walked to her but she ran off.
"Wait El!" he yelled.

El ran across the halls. She didn't wanna speak with him. Ever. Tears formed in her eyes as he called out to her.

"Mikey come back here!" yelled the girl. Eleven spilled even more tears as she heard the girl. Mike finally caught up to her and turned her around.

"El please let me explain!" said Mike. El flinched at his hand grabbing hers.
"What Mike! Are you gonna say that it was accident?" screamed Eleven. Lucas, Will, Dustin, and Max ran up to her.

"What the hell is going on?" said Will. Eleven wiped her tears and stood shocked.
"H-He was kissing that-that girl!" El pointed to the blonde standing a few feet away from Mike.

"Sweetie," said the girl, "I'm so sorry! It's not my fault he would never love some ugly bitch like you." Max went up the girl and slapped her across the face. She then grabbed her by her golden strands and lead her down the hallway.
"How about I teach you some manners, sweetie." whispered Max. She gripped the girl's hair while she yelped in pain. They disappeared across the hallway.

"How could you Mike? I thought you cared about me!" cried Eleven. Mike attempted to hold her hand but was stopped by Dustin and Lucas.

"Don't," said Lucas, "You've done enough Mike." Dustin and Lucas pacified Eleven as they walked out of the building. Will stared Mike in the eye.

"It's really disappointing that you go kissing other girls when you have that amazing girl who loves you with all her heart. She's told me about how much she loves you and it breaks my heart to have you break hers." yelled Will.

"She has been abuse in every way Mike! She never had love in that lab and she finally got it but you ruined it. She just wanted someone to care about her. Someone who would just accept her and never hurt her in any way. You're that person, Mike. Or at least, you were." said Will.

He walked down the hallway, leaving Mike hurt and broken. He broke her, and now he had to fix her.


Mike layed on his bed thinking. How could I have been so stupid? Nancy knocks on the door gently.
   "Mike! Can I come in?" said Nancy. Mike replied with a "yes" and Nancy barged in.

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