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   "We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all." said Andrew.

The television shined colorful lights as the movie played.

Eleven layed on the couch, covered in a pink blanket that Mike had gifted her.

She looked at the clock, "3:30pm" Hopper worked a long shift today which meant he would come home at "7:00pm"

Eleven sighed and plopped back on the couch.
She closed her eyes and started to drift off into a nap.

"El? Are you there?" whispered a voice. Eleven furrowed her eyebrows but continued to keep her eyes shut.

"Eleven!" yelled the voice. She shot her head up and stood up. She tiptoed to the window and slightly opened the curtain.

There stood Mike, his bike on the ground. She ran to the door and unlocked it.

"You scared the hell out of me!" said El.
"Sorry..." grinned Mike.
"Oh, it's fine!" She pulled him in and locked the door.

"How was school?" asked El, fixing up the couch.
"Boring without you," sighed Mike, "And Max punched this guy in the face!" He laughed and plopped down on the couch.

"Why did she do that?" questioned El.
"He was making fun of Lucas and Will and to Max that's, "Not acceptable!" said Mike.

Eleven sat down next to him and layed her head on his shoulder.

"So, how was your morning?" said Mike.
"Same as always, boring," sighed El, "I just wanna go outside! Hang out with everyone!"

"I know but remember what Hopper said?"
"Give it a year and then you can smell the flowers!" imitated Eleven in a gruffly voice.
Mike laughed and shook his head.

"Yeah! Don't worry, I'll be here with you." smiled Mike.
"I love your company." giggled Eleven.

She nuzzled her head in his chest and fluttered her eyes shut. Mike wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

Mike slowly opened his eyes and looked around. Wooden walls, small couch, sleepy El.

He silently smiled and kissed her forehead. He looked at the clock. 7:10pm.

He gently shook her in attempt to wake her up.
"El, I have to go now." whispered Mike.
"Already! It's so early." groaned Eleven.
"Yeah but if Hopper sees me here, he'll beat my ass!" laughed Mike.

Hopper was very protective of the little girl. If anyone tried to harm her in any way, they would be very sorry. Honestly, everyone cared for her, especially Mike.

He was way more protective of her than anyone. He wouldn't let any suspicious stranger touch, talk, or even look ar her. She was his world and he was hers.

"Fine." sighed El. Suddenly, the door started knocking.

"It's him!" whispered El.
"Hey kiddo, it's me!" said Hopper. El gestured Mike to go to her room. He did as told and slammed the door.

"What's going on?" asked Hopper.
"Nothing!" She unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hey dad! How was work?" grinned El.
" was fine, is anyone else here?" He walked around and examined the place. He placed his hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it.

"Wait!" yelled El. He looked back started.
"I think it was coming from the bathroom." said El, pointing at the door. He tiptoed past El to the bathroom.

"There's nothing here." said Hopper.
"Oh, thought I saw something," laughed El, "Well I'm going to my room!" She hurried into the room.

"That was close!" breathed Mike.
"Yeah well, I'll see you tomorrow." frowned El. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pouted.

"I'll miss you too." He leaned in and kissed her lips. She leaned in as well, savoring the moment.

"Tomorrow. Same time." grinned Mike.
"I'll be here!" giggled El. She opened her window and lead him outside. He walked over to his bike and got on.

"Bye El! Love you!" yelled Mike. He blew a kiss and pedaled away.
"Goodbye!" yelled El.

She smiled to herself and looked out at the sky. One day, she'll be out there. She'll be with her family in peace.

"Dinners ready!" shouted Hopper.
"I'm coming!" shouted back El. She looked in the direction Mike left and closed the window, knowing she has the best boyfriend ever.

i love mileven so much you don't even know:,)

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