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I don't think I mentioned this but Callan and Brownie sit with us at lunch. We charge them rent since they make a lot of trouble at our calm table and Brownie pays us in crackers so it's all good.

Brownie kept asking who was going to the dance and my neighbor and I birth said no because of softball. Then he started bragging that he dances with at least one girl each dance.

Then there's this guy that we hate and so he came over and said "Where's Lele?" And before we could answer he sat on our table and started shaking it. And everyone including Brownie yelled at him to get off and then he spilled like all of his food on my neighbor and Brownie and they were both hella pissed.

Lele btw is a girl I hang out with and she really likes to read.

And so when Lele came over she was like "Oh my what happened?"

And we explained it and she said, "He probably has a crush on one of us."

We all point to her and she's like, "WHY?!?!"

And we explain that he asked where she was and I was making a big deal out of it because I felt like bothering someone like I do to my besties. And so we asked Brownie and because he doesn't remember shit he says "I don't know..."

Gee helpful. Then he started asking who our crushes were and I defended my neighbor because her crush doesn't go to this school, then he asked me and I denied everything. NO ONE CAN KNOW MY CRUSH ON THE DOLAN TWINS-

Then we started making a continent of penguins that have evolved into human penguins and are put into labor since they are preparing for the apocalypse where the aliens take over. And all of their dead bodies go to the aliens as offerings-

Surprisingly that wasn't all my idea-

Fuck, I'm not as weird as I thought.

Then Brownie asked if I knew certain people from my old school, then he mentioned our old elementary school.

And I'm like, "Yeah we were in the same class... and the same preschool..."

And so he starts freaking out and he mentions he doesn't remember me. And I mention we were really good friends and talked a lot. So we started reminiscing about people throwing up, awkward moments, and who our friends were.

"Wow... I don't remember a lot..." he says.

"Obviously, we talked a lot." I say laughing.

"I probably had a crush on you."

I pause for like ten seconds registering that, a cute guy had a crush on me?! I was a turd in first grade?! Wtf?!?!?!

So I mention another girl and he's like "No I didn't have a crush on her. That's a fact."

And so my neighbor is like, "You probably did have a crush on her." (Her meaning me.)

And so I kinda pause in shock, and I'm thinking over my life choices. Did I have a crush on him???? I know I was attracted in some way, he's a cute guy with brown hair and brown eyes. I mean that's exactly my type!!! And how do I remember all this shit?! If I didn't like him like that would I have kept those memories. And every time I hear of that school I label it as the school he's going to-

I probably had a crush on him and I didn't realize it-



And it would make sense that he had a crush on me, because Katie is a tall girl, brown hair, brown eyes, and is probably half Asian. That's exactly how someone would describe me?!

Mind. Is. Freaking. Blown.

Then he looks at my neighbor and he's like, "DID YOU KNOW WE WENT TO THE SAME SCHOOLS-"

And for some reason my neighbor decided to be rude and say, "Of course I know she's my neighbor idiot."

And we both give each other looks like "Uh what's her problem???"

Also I had a friend and her shirt was pulled up and we aren't sure if it was because some guy was being a perv or if it was because of the intensity of the game.

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