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Days Survived Of Yandere's Presence: 49 :-:

Well...I thought today would be a boring day...god I was wrong!

So of course my New Enemy had to come back, turns out she didn't break her tail bone...idek why she was in the hospital...but it wasn't that serious due to the fact she wasn't in crutches or had a neck brace.

And yes we did have auditions for Buttercup, I probably did crappy but Mira said I did well. (I know your just being nice, bestie :P)

But all I know is that my friend and my other friend did way to well to get ignored. They'll probably get the part and I really just want it to be anyone but New Enemy.

So fast forward to History, nothing really interesting happened. Except for this guy freaking out and Luke being calm and saying "Hey it's ok man. It's ok. It's ok."

For some reason I was laughing at that, I don't know Luke is sorta emotionless so him showing some sort of emotion just seems funny because to me he seems like he wants me to leave him alone even though lately he's approached me.

Ok fast forward to walking with Luke to lunch.

Blah blah homework is easy coming from Luke.

He leaves for the bathroom.

Jordie walks next to me minding his own business. So I say randomly, "I ship you with Scarlet!"

"What, why?!"

Let me explain to you Scarlet, she's either the most annoying person you met or the nicest. Though she seems fashion forward, dyed hair, and everything you see in a popular girl she's really innocent. Though I do think she sorta dreams to be popular due to she knows just about every social media site to exist.

"Because you two talk!" I say laughing, they sit next to each other in History right in front of me.

"I don't even like her!" He says trying to laugh it off.

"You don't?" O_0

"I don't like her like that!"

"I don't care, I ship it!" I laugh walking away.

Lunch was the same old thing, somewhat stalking Cheeto Head.

Standing on a block and Mal pulling me down that I scream at the top of my lungs for help and no one notices...especially Cheeto Head who was doing nothing and standing there looking the other direction. *cough* I would have appreciated even a laugh Cheeto Head! Don't ignore my screams for help while Mal tries to kill me! *cough cough cough coughing fit*

*clears throat*

That water bottle was still in my PE locker...

And then we had to do laps and Jordie, Crystal, and I were discussing ship names...well more like Crystal and I discussing ship names and Jordie fighting us. Then Alex1 came up and he played along and he was like, "He totally likes Scarlet!"

And then Jordie started chasing Alex1 around the track while Crystal and I agreed on Jordet.

And so we had to get in teams for "dodgeball" so it originally consisted of Crystal, Jordie, Felix (the guy who ships Jason and I and went to my old school), Annoying Guy Who Also Went To My Old School, Robot Boy, and I.

Then Ex-SENPAI comes up and he's like, "there's only six people allowed in a group."

So since Crystal, Jordie, and I were the originals who just randomly sat there we were yelling at someone other than us to leave. So the annoying guy left, (I should probably just say his name since I have his number...don't ask why....) and then Ex-SENPAI is like "someone leave!"

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