Funny Story

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So a few days ago I don't know why but we were talking about boyfriends in our carpool. And so one of them is like "Yeah I've had two boyfriends."

And my friend 2 was like, "I could've been in a relationship with someone but I'm not into that kind've stuff."

So then I said, "I don't know if I've ever had a boyfriend..."

1st friend with two boyfriends said, "How do you not know?"

"Well it was in kindergarten."

"Aww that's cute," friend 2 says.

So it just so happens that friend 2 knows my kindergarten crushes twin. So I say, "You know *enters name here*, yeah I liked her twin. And everyone had crushes on him and he liked them all back."

Friend 2 starts laughing her head off. She's laughing extremely hard so my other friend starts laughing.

And idek, I don't know why I shared that but you know whatever.

Now to continue watching Bryce Loski AMVs *^*

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