The Real Witch Of Oz...

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Let's get this straight, my school drama teacher has officially ruined my life and socially murdered me.

Just realized how lit this song is.

I'm kinda gonna take the rest of the year easy due to the fact all my classes are set up and next year I'm going to Algebra so alls good.


So at lunch I heard Blue Raspberry Jolly Rancher Head muttering, "First *Poe's first crush* then Lynda!"

Then Poe came up to me and said, "EVERYONE THINKS WERE DATING!" While giving me back my ID.

And I'm just like, "WTF?! WHY!"

"*drama teacher* asked me to give this to you. But said girlfriend!"


And so life sucks...

She's the real witch of Oz. Not Jackie.

Then in math class half of the students started screaming at me when I came in, "YOU'RE DATING POE!"

And I'm like, "I hate you drama teacher."

I need revenge. I need fucking revenge.


So everyone was freaking out and then this girl came up to me and she's like, "Yeah of course you wouldn't date him. You can do so much better."

Yeah I mean a popular guy commented on my hair and said I looked really nice yesterday. He's just a decent human also.

And so I answer, "Yeah I know right."

And remember the prank where I would get $10 if I believed this guy that this other guy liked me. Well guess what I'm sitting next to the guy who supposedly likes me (he doesn't).

And so he needed a ton of math help and he was really shy but my teacher told him to talk to me. He's actually a decent guy because he also helped me correct some little things.

He wasn't particularly nice like thanking me but he wasn't nervous when asking me again and he would question me nicely.

After school Mira told "Jason" about me having a crush before Blue Raspberry Jolly Rancher Head.

And I'm like "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!"

"Because I don't care!"

Well fuck.

People to never tell crushes to:

Class Clown ✔️
Mira ✔️

"Jason" ✔️
Theatre Guy ✔️
Anyone who isn't close with me ✔️

And then I explained the whole Poe and I dating thing... And "Jason" pretty much had a heart attack and flew right into the wall and rolled around.

That's how much me and Poe dating will scar people's eyes.

And then he's like, "Lynda I need to talk to you in private."

No one understands privacy because KC and Mira decided to flood us. So "Jason" just said it out loud.

"When Theatre Guy told me his crush I almost fell down the stairs!" Then he imitated his falling down that stairs thing.

Honestly "Jason" and I have had little chats about this questionable crush...

And so KC and Mira started freaking out and trying to make us tell. Then "Jason" started to ramble stupidity that made it somewhat obvious.

And so to shut him up I pushed him into the wall, "SHUT UP!"

"Jason" can't take a hint because he kept going.

*inhales deeply*

Then I hung out at my softball friends place and she started laughing when I told her about the Poe thing...

I got a video of her when she's high on laughter....

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