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a cup of tea sat up on top of the breakfast bar next to a jam sandwich, in a small plate. the tea was warm and a small trace of smoke could be seen coming out of it. it had been placed perfectly and it was waiting for someone. next to it, a small bowl of chopped kiwis, strawberries and grapes also waited, bringing color to the scene.

"you're going to be late." he mumbled, shaking his head in disapproval as he looked at his work of art. the perfect breakfast for the perfect person.

"i can't find my other shoe." she replied from her room. a mess of sounds could be heard from the kitchen and living room. he rolled his eyes and shook his head as he walked towards the entrance, grabbing the shoe he knew she was looking for, from the amount of shoes that were scattered around.

"maybe this one?" he asked, standing still in the hall. she poked her head through her door and flashed a shy yet cute smile. "that one..." she mumbled as she walked towards him to grab the shoe from his hand.

"thanks." she said with a cute face. the corners of his lips lifted in a swift move, showing the pair of dimples that marked beautifully on each side of his soft cheeks.

"yeah, yeah whatever." he tried to shake it off as if it was nothing, but it was clear she had an effect on him.

he knew her well to know she was nervous. walking around, looking for stuff that were just there, a pendant, a shoe, her coat.

"seriously don't be nervous... there's nothing to be afraid of, you got this." her friend's words gave her courage for sure, but it was still nerveracking for her to think about the events ahead.

"you don't get it, it's-

"graphic nation-

"graphic nation." they both said at the same time. sure it was one of the most high class advertising agencies and most graphic designers died to even set foot on the entrance door.

"i know. i know it's a big deal... but still, don't let it get into you. go confident, you got this." he cheered her up with a confident smile, the dimples glowing with the morning light. she smiled and knew that everything was going to be fine.

"lee jooheon... what would i do without you." she said smiling, lifting her hand to reach out for one of his cheeks.

"probably be more late to the interview- he started, her eyes widened in shock and she quickly moved around, looking for her coat and purse. "your breakfast-

"i don't have time for that, thanks though." she said rushing to the entrance door. he followed her, barefoot and still in his pajamas. his face filled with something similar to disappointment. as a freelancer, he worked from home and was used to set his own schedule. he would wake up around 8 or 9 in the morning everyday but just today, just for her, he woke up at 6 to help her out and to prepare her breakfast but she didn't even glance at it.

"good luck." he said as she closed the door, almost not giving him time to speak the words. he wasn't sure if she had listened but either way he hoped she did.

he walked inside, hesitant steps. he glanced at the breakfast he had prepared for her and suddenly lost his appetite. he was alone in the apartment and his best friend was gone for the day, he had woken up earlier than usual, she had ignored the breakfast he prepared for her and his good luck wishes. day couldn't get any worse.

when she arrived the building, that building that she had walked past by so many times, fantasizing about working there, since she was young, her heart pounded heavily against her chest, her ears suddenly became hot and her palms sweaty.

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