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both seol and hyungwon stared at the ceo with widened eyes. for a second seol thought that maybe he was just a hallucination, that maybe she was drunk but she remembered she hadn't drank anything that night and judging by hyungwon's eyes, he could see him too. 

"what is this?" the ceo asked taking a step closer to the pair, glancing at both of them with 

they both turned around and found the ceo standing next to him. his fiery dark gray eyes piercing hyungwon's as his fists clenched at the end of his sleeves. 

curious as it sounds, his tone wasn't exactly angered. he seemed confussed but not surprised. "sajangnim- seol muttered as she took a hand to her mouth. 

kihyun glanced quickly at seol but his eyes focused on hyungwon. "what are you doing here?"

"kihyun-ah..." hyungwon said taking a step towards him, somehow pushing him away softly from seol's side. she looked at the scene with worried eyes.

"yah... what are you doing?" the ceo asked raising his voice. his mood changing in seconds. 

"hyungwon-ssi!" seol's voice was heard when kihyun pushed him back agressively and hyungwon grabbed his arm to stop him but kihyun looked for his collar with his free hand. 

"please stop!" she exclaimed getting her hand between them, with useless attempts, trying to separate them and preventing them from fighting. 

"why are you here with seol?"

"why do you care?" hyungwon quickly asked back, crossing his arms on his chest. at this point seol was standing between them somehow acting as the wall. 

"please, let's just- she started but soon was ignored.

"what are you doing here? don't make me ask again hyungwon-ah..." seol glanced shocked at kihyun after hearing the words leaving his mouth. 

the tallest looked at seol and noticed she looked surprised and not bothered at all. he sighed and shook his head, disappointment filling his face. "nothing. we're not doing anything here." hyungwon shrugged and looked away. 

now seol turned to look at him shocked as well. 

the ceo seemed confused, he really expected hyungwon would say something back, anything but that.

a visible frown appeared on the ceo's face as he tilted his head, trying to put the pieces together. 

kihyun licked his lips softly and nodded. "alright, i don't want you near seol from now on-

"why is that?" hyungwon's tone suddenly changed as he looked at kihyun defiantly. 

the ceo stared at the tall one with fiery eyes. if hyungwon was trying to look defiant, kihyun was a master in that subject. he took carelessly a step towards the blonde one not even flinching.

"because she's mine." 

hyungwon's eyes widened for a second and with a single move, he went at the ceo, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pushing him against the nearest wall.

"she's not yours, you let her go, you ended everything, she's not yours!" 

seol moved aside to avoid being dragged with them and stood outside of their zone, shouting at them, begging them to stop. 

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