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there was too much activity around the house. the bathroom door was opened and closed, footsteps could be heard down the hallway and a mix of perfumes invaded the house.

"seol-ah are you ready? we're waiting!" jooheon exclaimed as he looked at his clock. it was past 5:45 p.m and they had a reservation at 6:15 p.m for seol's birthday dinner. 

"i am coming!" she exclaimed from inside her room as she ran everywhere looking for her other matching earring. 

for her birthday, jooheon had gifted her a short navy blue dress, long sleeved with a lacy back. seol had loved it since she remembered once they went grocery shopping and she had said how pretty the dress was but she didn't have any special occassion to wear it so she didn't buy it. 

jooheon knowing this, took advantage of the information and bought the dress the next day, two months ago. 

she brided her hair and applied soft makeup. the earrings were also a gift from her dad from last year. she grabbed her cream coat and made her way outside. 

mr. ha and jooheon's eyes widened when she emerged from her room. "i am ready, let's go." she said smiling widely, grabbing her dad by the arm. 

both jooheon and mr. ha compliemented her on their way out but soon they were stopped when a familiar figure emerged from the shadows. 

"ahhh jinjja!" jooheon jumped, hand on his chest as he stared at the tall one. 

"hyungwon-ssi!" seol exclaimed once her eyez recognized the handsome features. he cleared his throat and bowed respectfully. 

"annyeonhaseyo... i- i heard it was your birthday today... so, i brought you this." 

one would think a boy would gift you flowers, chocolates or teddy bears, and that was usually what boys gift. but not hyungwon, he wans't exactly that kind of boy.

he handed the bag, beautifully decorated. inside there were 3 objects. seol glanced at the people around as she picked the first one. "oh a coupon to learn aikido... that's... great." she said nodding as she tried to pick the nect present. 

seol's father glanced at the boy with curious eyes. "oh... a peppermint spray? - seol tilted her head, looking at hyungwon a bit confused. hyungwon only cleared his throat as he stood there with his hands entwined behind his back. 

mr. ha glanced at the present with a blank expression. "finally we have... an... - she frowned - an umbrella?" she looked at hyungwon with inquisitive eyes. 

"well, thanks... these presents are very...

"helpful." mr. ha said nodding in approval glancing at his daughter and the tall one. "very helpful, thank you young man." he said walking away with jooheon.

"seriously? what kind of present is that? he should have gotten her something better... like a dress." jooheon mumbled as he felt mr. ha's scolding hand, pinching his ear. 

"seriously? aikido classes? peppermint spray?" seol asked him once they were left kind of alone on the sidewalk. hyungwon only shrugged.

"important, if you want to be protected at all times, if there's no one around you... you should know how to protect and defend yourself." he said avoiding her eyes. 

seol chuckled. "thanks, it's true. they are very helpful... though... an umbrella?" she asked curiously.

he only shrugged. "i noticed you didn't have one. that is also helpful, it protects you from the rain and you could hit someone with that." 

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