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but dopunim... do you even... like me?  she thought about asking him but words seemed to be stuck on her throat. even if she tried to talk, words just wouldn't come out. 

kihyun looked at her, eyes focused on each of her expressions. he wanted to know what was going through her mind, he wanted to know if she was doubting or having seconds thoughts about the whole situation .

 "miss ha?" his deep voice brought her back to reality. a soft frown on his dazzling face. it looked like he's been waiting for her to answer some sort of question she didn't even get to listen. 

"uh... yes?" 

"i asked you a question." his voice seemed determined just as his will to make her suffer from embarrassment. 

"ah... joesonghamnida, i -

he nodded. "i asked you if that's okay with you?" 

"what part?" she asked confused, darting eyes all over the place. he found cute how she was nervous over the proposal. it was more than obvious she was unexperienced and the whole thing was affecting her.

"i mean... all of it miss ha... if you're not sure about this then take time to think about it, you don't need to sign it right now." seol looked like a lost puppy in front of the cold but graceful ceo.

a genuine smile appeared on his pinky lips as he stood from the chair and walked towards her. he grabbed the black folder in one hand and extended the other for her to take it. 

seol hesitated for a second but his eager eyes made her change her mind. his hands were soft and warm, opposite to his harsh and cold image. she couldn't help but wonder if he was truly like this or it was an image he show to the people around, maybe to be more feared and respected.

"d-dopunim- she started, her mind working in all directions. kihyun only chuckled. 

"i am taking you home, gwechana, i won't do anything you don't want me to." his playful eyes changed, it didn't seem like they were dark gray but a softer tone. either way, his eyes were still stunning just as everything else he possessed.

even if he walked with her hand in hand through the hall, once he spotted his assistant he let got of her hand with a swift move. seol was confused about everything happening around her. in the first place she was still offended over the fact he had her investigated and in part offended too for being proposed this deal.

but deep inside, very very deep inside, a small part of her felt interested and even flattered. if yoo kihyun proposed her this deal or whatever he wanted to call it, to her of all the woman in seoul or in the company, that only meant one and only thing: he liked her.

she would never ask, she wouldn't dare, even though, nothing still made sense to her. she looked ar her reflection on the metal doors of the elevator. she was simple, nothing out of this world. 

she then glanced at the ceo and her heart almost stopped, it was her usual reaction. he was fair, fascinating, a bless to the eye. he'd wear chic suits, his hair always was perfectly styled, his skin looked clear and smooth, even his build seemed ideal. a few muscles marked through the fabric of his expensive suits and he always gave off a sweet yet manly smell, like a perfume worthy more than her life. yoo kihyun was a fascinating man and she couldn't believe he proposed this whole thing to her.

the elevator doors opened and he waited a second for her to get inside, but seol didn't move. she was absorbed in her thoughts. he cleared his throat. "miss ha... are you coming?" he asked from inside the elevator since she didn't move.

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