t h i r t y f i v e

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"there's something we need to talk about." 

the words echoed inside seol's mind and everything was in slow motion. she noticed kihyun's lips moving slowly as his eyes focused on her. she felt the nerves growing inside her stomach and her ears becoming hot. 

"w-what's wrong-

"aniya. not here, back home, kaja." he grabbed her hand and led her out of the aparment. jeonghan who was waiting patiently next to the door, smiled when the both of them made their way out of the apartment. 

"ahh you liked it too sajangnim?" 

kihyun turned to look at seol confused and she nodded. "ah yes... email me the contract and i'll have it signed by the morning." he said nodding and walking towards the elevator. jeonghan stared at both of them. 

seol's face was a poem. "kamsahamnida jeonghan-ssi." it was the only thing she was able to say before the elevator doors closed. 

she started feeling uneasy over kihyun's attitude. she felt something was really wrong but lowkey felt relieved it was probably not related to her, otherwise he would have mentioned it right away. 

but when she caught him staring at her with a worried face, she felt nervous again and didn't know what to think anymore. 

this time the car was alone, there was no sign of hyungwon around. she stopped for a second and thought about asking about him but then judging by the serious look of the ceo, she thought maybe that's a question he wouldn't want to answer right now. 

kihyun opened the door for her, inviting her in and finally walked himself to the driver's seat. she liked it better when they were alone in the car.  when the ceo drove she felt less pressured since when hyungwon drove, he'd always glance at her through the rearview and that would make her nervous. 

she noticed kihyun glancing at her as his lips pressed in a thin line. her mind wandered around, thinking about what was bothering him and if it was related to her. 

"so... there's a thing we need to talk about." she heard him saying from the driver's seat. his voice was low and even relaxed. she looked at him anticipating the words.

the car stopped in a traffic light but he kept his eyes on the road. "uh... i was invited to this thing... it's a... wedding." 

after hearing the words wedding, seol sighed in relief, knowing that it definitely didn't have to do with her, or the fact that jeonghan seemed interested in her. at least kihyun didn't know anything about it and it was better this way. 

"it's something stupid really... but anyways, i was given an extra pass..." it was obvious he was nervous since it seemed his hands were kind of trembling but he tried to hide the fact by holding tightly onto the wheel. 

"are you inviting me to go with you to a wedding?" seol's words escaped her lips as her own eyes widened once she realized she had spoken out and loudly. 

kihyun looked at her confused. "a-aniya... you know the terms of this agreement... i can't take you with me." 

seol remained fronzen on her seat, tilting her head slowly, trying to understand everything. "people would talk and ask questions so we can't afford that." he added finally driving away from the queue. 

"sajangnim... then why are you telling me this?" she asked but in that moment, a thought started building in the back of her head and by the ashamed look on kihyun's face, she put the pieces together. 

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