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when the ceo closed his eyes his body became heavier, giving a hard time to seol to carry him to the nearest couch. she dragged him as she could and tried to lay him down there as she quickly looked for his phone on one of his pockets.

she knew mr. noh was given the week free but she didn't know who else to call and hyungwon didn't seem like a viable option right now. 

after the third beep he answered, his voice calmed as usual.

"ahh yoo sajangnim? are you calling because you changed your mind so quicly and you want me back at the pent?"

"ahjussi... it's me s-seol. the ceo passed out, he's unconscious on the couch, what should i do?"

"what? what happened?"

"i don't know, he told me to come here and when i arrived he passed out!"

"did check his pulse?"

"a-aniyo. i don't know how to do it-

"it's okay, just calm down. i am going to call the family doctor, he'll be there soon. i can't go right now because i came to busan to visit my daughter but don't worry, i'll try to go tomorrow morning."


"i'll call the doctor right now, just check his pulse." without saying anything else he quickly hung up.

seol's heart raced as she saw his almost lifeless body on the couch. she approached him and placed her finger under his nostrils. she could feel a weak hot current coming out. 

she looked for his wrist and placer her finger on it, a few seconds later she realized it had a weak beat. sighing in relief she sat on the floor, next to the couch. 

the sleeping figure of the ceo sent shivers down her spine and memories flashed on her mind, about the times when everything was perfect or at least when he made her believe it.

her eyes remained focused on him, especially his face, she didn't want to look away since she wanted to see if he'd flinch or if his eyes opened unexpectedly, but the moment never arrived. 

it seemed he was really dead. if it wasn't for his chest moving really slowly, up and down, she would have thought he was no longer there. 

she didn't realize how time flew and soon she heard the elevator doors opening and a few seconds later the doctor arrived the scene.

"annyeonghaseyo, i am doctor kim, are you miss ha? what happened to him?" he asked once seol nodded when he asked if she was miss ha.

"u-uh... seonsaengnim well we were just talking and he suddenly fainted, i don't know what happened." she said nervously as she stepped aside to give the doctor some space.

he sat next to the ceo in the couch and pulled out his medical instruments for a check up. seol looked at the whole scene with nervous eyes and soon kihyun's phone started ringing. 

she grabbed it from the coffee table, her eyes never leaving the scene, as she answered it. 


"miss ha? did the doctor kim arrive?"

"yes he just arrived, he is now checking the ceo."

"oh alright, how do you see him?"

"i don't know-

"well please call me when he gives you some information or tell him to call me alright?"

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