s i x t y f i v e

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seol stared at the ceo as her chest hurt. she couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for him these past few years, having to deal with all of this by himself. 

she used to be mad at him for doing what he did to her, but now that she understood all that was behind it all, the reasons why and why it was necessary, she had mixed feelings. she didn't feel the same towards him. 

all the anger she felt it was starting to drift away. as she stared at the ceo, she saw a different man and definitely a different side of him. 

suddenly all the feelings she had at the begining of the relationship, returned to her. she still felt nervous and flustered around him, as she felt the first days. but now she felt more deep and meaningful feelings for him, feelings she couldn't put into words yet. 

seol found herself reaching for his hand. he tensed under her sudden display of affection but he didn't move. she grabbed his hand on hers and caressed it with her fingers.

"kihyunnie... it'll be alright - she nodded as a reassuring smile appeared on her lips - i promise." 

he blinked twice, somehow trying to prevent the tears from falling and with a swift move, he held onto her hand and brought her closer to him, wrapping her under his arms, desperately begging for a hug. 

seol wrapped her arms around him as she returned the hug. she closed her eyes, inhalling his familiar aroma as unconsciously she brushed her lips on the exposed skin on his neck. 

it was a jump on their current situation. they went from acting as complete strangers when they first met, to lovers, to complete strangers again to... kind of friends and scalating quickly to a possible lovers scenario again. 

she felt his hands running through her back, his fingers caressing the soft layer of fabric that separated her skin from his fingers. 

he closed his eyes when he felt seol's comforting embrace so close to him and he felt as if he could finally breathe again. 

seol finally broke the hug and stared into his dark gray eyes that now had a much clearer tone. "we should get some sleep." 

her soft words echoed inside kihyun's mind. he knew that even if he tried to sleep right now, he wouldn't be able. he had so many concerns around his mind that wouldn't let him but instead he smiled sadly, giving her a ressuring nod.

"i can try." it wasn't a lie. he would try, for her.

seol was about to get up but he reached for her hand and stopped her from going. "can we- stay like this for a couple of minutes more?" his voice sounded like a plead. 

his eyes begged for her to stay and truth be told, seol wasn't really dying to go either. 

she nodded softly, returning to her place on the couch, next to him. "thank you" he finally whispered as he extended his arm for her to come closer to him. 

feeling the warmth leaving his body and entering hers, she snuggled on his chest, resting her hand on top of his chest, as she inhaled the sweet aroma of whiskey, mixed with his expensive perfume. 

she closed her eyes as she felt comfortably wrapped around his arms, the perfect temperature embracing her and the arms that deep inside she longed for. 


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