e p i l o g u e

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a/n: guys thank you so much for the 60K readings, this is incredible! wow  


"do you have everything ready?" the ceo's voice coming from the living room made seol rush around the room. 

"almost!" she exclaimed from her room. 

he stood in the middle of the small living room, arms crossed on his chest as jooheon, leaning on the wall, stared at him. 

"are you sleeping in separate rooms?" he asked, the ceo sighed. 

"i thought you said you accepted me." 

"i did... - he nodded - but still i gotta protect the sister so... i expect you to sleep in separate rooms. i'll like you even more." he said flashing the cute dimples. 

kihyun couldn't help but laugh. "arasseo... if there are more available rooms i will." he said lifting his hand. jooheon nodded and extended his hand and waited for the ceo to complete their new secret handshake, to which the ceo, completed perfectly. 

"eeh... you're getting good at this." jooheon smiled widely. seol suddenly appeared on the living room and stared at the pair with inquisitive eyes. "what are you two talking about?" 

"nothing." they both said at the same time.

"alright, i am ready." she said giving her suitcase to the ceo. jooheon walked them to the door and finally bid his goodbyes, a bit against his will since he hated whenever seol left. 

but truth be told, seol was super excited. she had never been outside her continent and once the ceol told her some clues about where they were heading, she came into the conclussion it was south america. 

it definitely excited her the thought. even though she's never been there, that place was famous for its beautiful landscapes and exotic beaches. she didn't know exactly where, which country, but still the idea of going to any of them, was thrilling. 

she had packed light as requested, even thought that was a business trip, the ceo promised they'd have at least a free day to go to the beach. 

as expected the flight was long, maybe more than she thought it'd be but when her eyes peeked through the small window and she noticed it was day already and she could see the beautiful beaches, all her tiredness went away. 

once they stepped out of the plane, the warm weather felt like a relief. it was fresh and warm, the sun shined above. it was just like in the movies. 

she was soon surprised by the ceo when he talked in spanish to everyone around. she had listened to him before, talking in spanish with a possible-potential client but it was just over the phone, now it was different.

they were led to their hotel room and when seol looked through the balcony, her eyes marveled at the beautiful view.

the sea had an intense blue color and there was a clear sky above. tons of palm trees spreaded around, gave off definitely a very tropical vibe.

"do you like it here?" the voice of the ceo was soft and it was close to hers. soon she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her waist. it was undeniably a stunning view.

"i love it, thanks for inviting me." She turned to look at him, still between his arms. the ceo smiled at her and leaned down to press a soft kiss.

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