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"seol-ssi!" she heard someone calling her name. it was lunch break and she went downstairs to take her lunch. she noticed a familiar black haired, waving towards her.

"minhyuk-ssi." she greeted him with a quick nod. "how are you? i didn't see you this morning."

"i know, i arrived late. i am sorry." her cheeks blushed admitting she over slept again. minhyuk only laughed. "gwenchana... the ceo told everyone to come an hour later anyways since we were testing the elevators once more."

"is it fixed now? we were told to use the other ones this morning-

"ah yes, yes... they're repaired now. it was an electrical glitch, something weird." he said scratching the back of his head.

"but hey, i was wondering if- minhyuk's voice somehow seemed to vanish in her ears, when something caught the corner of her eye.

a group of men, leaded by none other than the ceo, entered the dining room, making all heads turn and all gossips to stop. the silence was almost deathly and everyone noticed.

that day he was wearing a light bown suit with a black tie that matched his shoes. his silver hair was neatly combed, parted in the middle, a pair of golden specks laid on his nose giving him an  older vibe.

she swallowed hard when she noticed he quickly glanced at her, what was like 5 or 6 seconds, felt like an eternity, but he quickly returned his eyes to the road and finally towards the cafeteria.

"what is he doing here?" her audition came back and she turned to look at minhyuk, trying to fix his usual plaid pullover. "he?" she asked confused. she knew he was talking about the ceo but she didn't know why he would say such thing.

"he always eats at his office you know... to avoid people."

"really?" she asked a bit surprised. he seemed cold and distant most of the times, but only his voice seemed like that. she wouldn't have assumed he was that way too since he had talked to her a few times and once even followed her inside a bathroom even if it was to scold her.

"anyways... so what do you say?" he asked, crossing his arms on his chest. she tilted her head, confused over his vague question. "excuse me?"

"you know? the fall party? are you coming? yes, no?" he asked moving his head to each side. she laughed at his cute but funny gestures. "uh... what is that again?"

"you know, just a party the company throws every time autumn arrives, it's in one of the company's headquarters, i heard this year's is going to be in busan so it's a big thing."

"what? are you serious?" minhyuk only nodded. "and what does this fall party means? why they do it?"

he shrugged. "it's a tradition. it was here already when i joined... it has something to do with the foundation of this company... whatever, are you coming? i need confirmation because i need to reserve the rooms and buy train tickets." she nodded.

"sure, when is it?"

"next week, it's usually the whole weekend, we have free that friyay." she looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"you get it? fri-yay? no?" he sighed and shook his head. "anyway... i'll write you down, i am happy to know you're coming." she smiled.

"yeah... i guess i'll see you there." he just smiled and bid his goodbyes. she turned to look at the queue as she waited to get her lunch.

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