t h i r t y t w o

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seol didn't imagine he would take her back to the pent, especially since it was weekend and he had stated in the contract that she usually would have her weekends free unless he really required of her presence then arrangements could be done. 

jugding by the look on kihyun's face she knew it was better to comply right now and talk about it later. he didn't seem upset or worked up but his eyes were. 

once they arrived the familiar entrance, kihyun got off the car and opened the door for her. seol glanced at him innocently, trying to find a trace of reassurance in his face but he just looked away, arm resting on top of the car's door, waiting for her to get out.

with small steps, she got off the suv and soon felt kihyun's warm hand on hers, leading her towards the elevator. the covered parking lot was deserted, they were the only people there, waiting for the elevator. 

she turned to look at him. he sighed as he stared at the enlightened numbers on top of their heads. "sajangnim..." she whispered sweetly, big eyes staring at him. 

kihyun tensed when he head her calling him but didn't turn to look at her. "just... wait." he muttered, forcing himself to look away. he knew if he looked at her right then, he would lose his sanity. 

the elevator doors opened and they both got inside, kihyun introduced the code to his pent and a few seconds later they were in front of the entrance. 

as soon as the elevator doors closed, he let go of her hand and turned to look at her. she noticed his dark gray eyes had changed tones, they had a much darker shade now, a lustful look. 

"you lied to me tonight." he said taking confident steps towards her, jaw clenched, as she took steps back.

"that was one of the principal things that weren't allowed to do in our deal. lying to me, remember?" his eyes traveled from her eyes to her lip as he licked his slowly. 

"sajangnim- she felt nervous, weak in the knees as his predator eyes toured down her body. 

she knew she was in trouble when her back hit the wall. she quickly glanced around and noticed they've reached one of the glass walls, wide windows in the living room with view to the city. 

the city lights reflected on kihyun's dark eyes, like burning stars and the moonlight gave his skin a snowy glow, appealing to anyone's eyes. 

"why would you lie to me seol?" she swallowed hard, hands pressing to the cold glass at each side of her body. he lifted his hand and ran a finger slowly through her jawline. 

"did you want to get punished, is that it?" her eyes widened in surprise after hearing the ceo's words. she never imagined he'd say something like that. her nervousness grew each passing second as he stared at her with lustful eyes and as her heart raced at the situation. 

his body was close to hers, she could feel almost the warmth irradiating from his body, entering hers. "are you a bad girl  or a good girl... seol-ssi?" he took his finger to her lips and caressed the bottom lip, eyes focused on the pinky smooth skin. 

"s-sajang-n-nim." she was a mess under his compelling eyes and dominating touch. she couldn't understand those feelings but in the little time she'd been with him, she had learned some new things and she knew for sure, she was aroused thanks to all that dirty talk and suggestive touch. 

"hush..." he muttered as slowly leaned down to put his lips on hers. her eyes closed immediately, surrendering herself and her needy lips to kihyun's bossy tongue. "i guess it's up to me to find out..."  he said breaking the kiss, taking his lips down to the crook of her neck, biting and sucking gently but steadily. 

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