t h i r t y t h r e e

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"good morning." kihyun smiled as he served a cup of tea to seol. she walked towards the breakfast table and smiled at him as she took a sip of the warm sweet liquid.

that sunday morning, she had woken up and had taken a bath as kihyun commanded her. "he'll be here in a few."

"who?" she asked confused as he put a plate with a fruit salad in front of her. "sorry... sundays are the ahjussi's free days, you get stuck with vegetarian food all day, is that okay?"

she nodded as her eyes followed him around the kitchen. "but who is coming then?"

"ah... yoon jeonghan, best real state agent in seoul." he said without really looking at her, taking a sip of his tea. her eyes widened in shock as she stood from the chair and followed him around.

"but - sajangnim..." he turned around and gave her an authoritarian look. " yes miss ha?" she swallowed hard.

"ani... can we talk about it at least?"

"talk about what?" he put down his cup of tea and leaned against the counter, arms corring gracefully on his wide chest.

she scratched the back of her head and looked at him nervously. "about it all? i am not sure if i really need to move out... i mean, what would jooheon say-

"is it important?"

her eyes widened in surprise over the ceo's cold comments. "sajangnim- she started but soon hyungwon appeared on the kitchen, making his presence noticeable with a loud clearing throat sound.

"ah... hyungwon-ah..." kihyun said, moving away from seol and walking towards the door. hyungwon glanced at seol quickly but returned his attention to kihyun. "he's here."

"arasseo... - he nodded and turned to look at seol - meet us in the living room in 5 minutes." he said disappearing through the door. hyungwon bowed slightly as kihyun walked past by him.

he stood there for a second and he was ready to go away but seol called his name softly. he stopped on his tracks and turned around to face her. his hands were entwined behind his back.

seol noticed he never dressed fancy like kihyun. he was wearing a pair of washed jeans a white sweater, he always looked comfortable and casual. "good morning... would you like a cup of tea?"

he blinked twice, certainly not expecting that from her. "aniyo." he simply said, swallowing hard and turning around to go but seol walked towards him. "hyungwon-ssi, wait!" his feet stopped him and he turned around again.

seol wanted to talk to him since a few weeks now, she was confused and had lots of questions, especially about that day he stopped the elevator to warn her about the ceo. she didn't see the need in that, kihyun wasn't perfect but he somehow was perfect to her. she couldn't understand why he'd want to warn her or why he was acting cold towards her after she agreed.

"may i have a word with you?"

he didn't say a word, he just looked at her and blinked once as if he was giving her a green light. "the other day... in the company you..." she started.

hyungwon moved on his feet, clearly uncomfortable as he licked his bottom lip quickly. "you stopped the elevator, remember? now... i've been wanting to ask you this ever since but... why did you do it?"

his towering figure remained still in front of her. his chest moved up and down as he tried to come up with a nice excuse or maybe a lie just to get her off. "i can't remember it, joesonghamnida."

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