t h i r t y e i g h t

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they both got off the car and walked to the elevator. one of them would glance to the other and would caught her or him staring and smiling. it was as if they were a teenage couple. 

his hand brushed softly against hers as they walked inside, but once they acknowledged their surroundings, instinctively they put a wall between them and kept a good space between them.

the ceo marked both his and her floor, which he knew by memory and winked at her as he fixed his tie. as usual, her cheeks turned red as she looked away. 

soon her phone beeped and she reached for it on the bottom of her purse. the ceo's stare remained on her as he read her facial expressions. 

heoney: seol-ah, remember tonight it's my short film exhibition

heoney: u coming right? 

seol swallowed hard as she only now remembered her scheduled night out with jooheon. she looked at kihyun, trying to go unnoticed and quickly texted back.

seol: yeah sure

seol: what time it was again? 

kihyun frowned when he noticed her nervous fingers texting in a rush. "who's texting you?" his voice was relaxed but definitely concerned. 

heoney: 8 u dummie

heoney: i hope to see u there tho

seol's eyes diverted from the screen to the ceo's eager dark gray orbs. "uh... it's no one really- 

kihyun took a step towards her, as if he was going to check her phone by himself but soon the doors opened, revealling a surprised minhyuk.

"omo yoo sajangnim!" he took a hand to his chest. he glanced at seol and narrowed his eyes as he put the pieces together in his mind. "seol-ssi..." he tilted his head, pointing at the girl and then at the ceo. 

"did i... interrupt something?

kihyun's eyes widened as he glanced quickly at seol. "mwo?" he asked confussed and almost offended.

"aniyo... i mean, were you going somewhere and i interrupted your ride?" he chuckled nervously, walking inside the elevator and stepping between the two. kihyun cursed at the black haired boy in his mind as he closed his eyes and shook his head.

seol sighed in relief as she quickly pressed send. 

seol: yah ppabo, i'll be there

the elevator doors opened, suddenly revealling her floor number. she bowed to both of them and quickly got off the elevator. 

"actually sajangnim... this is me too." minhyuk said bowing to the ceo and following seol. she cursed under her breath when she felt minhyuk's presence next to her. 

he walked confidently but quietly as he greeted all the people that passed by next to them with a head bow. when seol finally arrived her cubicle, he quickly followed her inside and closed the door.

"seol-ssi..." he started as he walked around her cubicle, touching everything on his way. seol quickly removed her coat, hanging it on the hangers in the wall.

"yes minhyuk-ssi?-

"are you fucking the ceo?" he almost didn't give her time to finish the question. his eyes were popped and his hand covered his mouth as he whispered-shouted the question to her.

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