s i x t y f o u r

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even though the couch seemed like a nice option, it was as wide almost as a bed, seol wanted to rest well so she walked to the hallway and picked one of the guests rooms. 

she had never been in one, in fact it was the first time ever she looked at these rooms. kihyun's pent was incredibly huge and she only got to see a fragment of it. she was sure there were plenty more rooms, for example mr. noh's room and the bodyguard's that were actually nowhere to be found. 

still, seol managed to pick a room. this one was definitely smaller than the ceo's but it had a very similar decoration. it was all white, furniture either in a beautiful black metal or just plain metal. it had a double bed, it was black but sheets were white. they smelled freshed so she assumed mr. noh probably returned and was sleeping now. 

she walked around, staring in detail to everything. it had two nightstands also black with two small white lamps. she checked inside the wardrobe and found two pair of fresh pajama, it seemed they were unisex so she picked one to wear since she didn't know if the clothes he bought for her were still in his wardrobe and she didn't want to bother him. 

there was a white door that she assumed was the bathroom. after all the stressful day and situations she lived, she was craving for a hot shower. 

after changing into the pajamas she got under the blankets and closed her eyes. all the memories of the day flashed in her mind as she tried to fall asleep. 

a few hours passed and she simply couldn't. it was in vain. everything she tried just wouldn't work. 

seol remembered that in the past, when she started college, she would have so many sleepless nights and usually a warm cup of tea would help her to fall asleep again. so she walked quietly to the kitchen, trying to not wake up anyone in the pent, to fix herself a cup of tea.

it was hard to pick from all the kitchen's tea cabinet, but she finally went with a chamomile tea. as she drank her tea, she heard some noises coming from somewhere close to the kitchen. 

she quickly put the mug on the dishwasher and walked around, looking for the source of the noises. she pulled down the paws of the sweater as she walked almost on her tiptoes since the floor was cold. 

seol noticed one of the doors at the end of the hallway that was slightly opened and a dim light filtered through the small crack of the door. she rushed to it and softly pushed it open, only to realize the ceo was inside.

he was still wearing the clothes he had that morning. he seemed tired and even upset. he jumped when he noticed seol's presence near the door. 

when he turned around seol noticed he had a glass of whiskey on his hand. "a-are you okay?" he asked nervously, leaving the glass on the desk and rushing to her. 

the ceo held her face between his hands, looking for any sign of wounds of physical pain. "i am fine, it's okay." she tried to calm him down. 

seol noticed he smelled like his usual perfume but now mixed with the expensive whiskey. his look over all was really messy. he had loosen his tie and unbuttoned some buttons of his shirt, and had rolled up the sleeves.

"are you okay?" her shy and soft tone sent warm shivers down kihyun's spine. she noticed his eyes were big and glassy, almost as if he had been crying. 

he looked away and grabbed the glass again, taking it all in one shot. "i am fine. what are you doing up?" 

seol ignored his question as she walked around, looking at this room for what she thought maybe was the second time. "is this... were you work from home?"

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