s i x t y e i g h t

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"i am not sure if he's telling the truth." seol leaned back as her mind worked, trying to find some sense in what the ceo was saying. 

she noticed how he buried his face on his palms and remained silent. 

could it be possible? for someone to lie about loosing their memory? 

it could be. if hyungwon was clever enough, wanting to get out of the situation he got himself into, he might be able to lie. 

but seol couldn't believe it. she couldn't believe hyungwon would go such latitudes to get himself out of trouble. she denied to accept he was that evil. 

"i can't believe it." she spoke her mind, making kihyun turn to look at her. 

"how come?"

"i don't think he'll be capable of doing that - i mean... i am sure he's not entirely bad-

"seol he tried to hurt you and he lied to you... he's been hurting me for years too." 

she opened her mouth to say something but then regretted it. "what? what is it? say it please." 

"it's nothing - she quickly sat straight and looked away. 

kihyun pressed his lips together in a thin line. "you think i deserve it, don't you?"

seol turned to look at him with widened eyes. it was true. maybe, just maybe at first a thought popped into her mind, think that hyungwon hurting him all these years, just by that simple threat he gave him, was what he deserved. 

but then she gave it a second thought and realized that 4 years is a long time. and hyungwon should have moved on because after all, they were friends in the first place.

seol quickly threw her arms around him and cried on his neck. "i am sorry... i didn't mean that." 

kihyun looked down, still hurt but he finally returned the hug. "you're right... you don't deserve it. i am sorry for thinking it in the first place."

the ceo sighed and shook his head. "no. i kind of deserved it... but it's been a long time seol, i don't think i have to pay for what i did for the rest of my life. he made mistakes too- 

he was soon shut by seol's lips. she placed a soft kiss on his lips, holding his face between her hands. "you don't deserve any more suffering." she quietly said, against his lips.

kihyun looked at her, eyes widened and filled with something pretty similar to despair and frustration but also realization. seol was right.  

in that moment he knew everything he needed in his life was her. she was the comfort he's been looking for so long. she was like a balm, a remedy. even if hyungwon had threatened her or any other woman he loved, this time he wouldn't let him hurt her. not even if he was or not sure if he was lying about loosing his memory, he would fight for his feelings and for seol's protection but he wouldn't leave her this time, not for hyungwon and not for anybody else. he promised to himself in that moment. 

as he hugged her back, thightly as he could, he looked for her ears and brushed his lips softly against the sensitive area. "thank you." he simply said between a whisper.

seol smiled and looked at him with lovingly eyes. "we'll be fine." a reassuring nod relaxed kihyun's body. 

for the first time he smiled since talking about it. "are you hungry?" 

seol shook her head. "good, me neither. are you tired?" she finally nodded. 

"me too... we should get some sleep." he said standing from the couch and taking a few steps away from her. he stopped on his tracks and turned to look at her. "do you want me to take you home?"

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