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"well, doctor says he is." 

seol blinked twice as she turned to look at the ceo next to her. she felt immediately her temples throbbing and her ears becoming hot. 

in the minutes she spent inside with hyungwon, she never thought nor suspected he could be lying, at all. 

"a-are you serious?"

the ceo turned to look at her with serious eyes but then he burst in laugh. seol's  mouth dropped to the floor as she stared at the ceo with something pretty similar to a strong glare. 

kihyun laughed and shook his head, glancing now and then between the road and seol. "aigoo... you should have seen your face - he laughed again, his eyes formed small rainbows that even if seol wanted to rip off his head, she felt her heart racing at the playful mode of the ceo, definitely something new to her.

she hit his arm playfully. "kihyunnie!" she complained as a pout formed on her lips. "it was a joke, i am sorry." he said reaching out for her hair, caressing it softly. his eyes turned into a warm clear shade of gray, as he stared at her lovingly. 

"he can't remember anything beyond high school. it's a fact. which... is positive for hyungwon, i can't imagine how things would have turned out if he woke up either lying or remembering everything." seol nodded. 

"so what the doctor wanted to talk to you?"

he laughed. "oh... he kind of invited me to the charity ball for the hospital kids in which he works as well, they probably want a donation which i'll give happily." he said winking at her. a fresh smile appeared on his lips and seol felt as she could finally breathe again. 

she took her hand to her chest and sighed, eyes closed. "you really scared me." her disapproving tone made the ceo laugh again. 

"mianhae." he said grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it. "it's just... you looked so tense - he said trying not to laugh - i just wanted to play with you a bit." he said caressing her hand, holding it tightly, entwined with his. "are you hungry?" 

seol nodded. "okay, i know the perfect place." 

after driving for a few minutes more, they finally arrived a zone on the skirts of the city. it was a place seol had never been before. 

it was a small, quiet and cozy restaurant, definitely not something that seemed fit for the ceo's taste. they walked inside, hand in hand as an old lady came to meet them on the door. 

"ohh sajangnim... what a pleasure to see you again, how is your family?" 

"mrs. kim it's an honor, they're all good, i'll tell them i stopped by the next time i see them, they'd be happy to know i was here."

"it'll be a pleasure if you could send my regards to them - she said sweetly and turned around to look at seol - aigoo... who is this pretty lady?" she asked smiling widely at seol. 

"mrs. kim this is ha seol, my girlfriend." he said proudly, putting an arm around her. seol bowed. "it's a pleasure to meet you mrs. kim." 

"the pleasure it's all mine, you're so pretty! - she turned to look at kihyun - jinjja... she's really pretty sajangnim." 

the ceo just nodded, cheeks slightly coloured. "please come this way, i have the perfect spot for you lovebirds." the woman said in a very motherly tone. kihyun glanced at her with a contained laughed. they both were trying so hard to not laugh. 

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