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he withdrew his hand quicky and scratched the back of his neck. none of them said a word. seol looked away both surprised and ashamed. 

"uh- h... i was uh - he stammered. seol noticed he swallowed hard - i brought you this." he said reaching for a flashlight that was lying right on top of a small shelving that was next to seol's room door. 

he nervously give the flashlight to her. seol looked at him confused as she held the curious advice. "uh just in case there's a power cut you know - he scratched his neck his time - so you're not in the dark." he said shrugging. 

"ah... yes, thank you?" she said checking the flashlight. hyungwon glanced at her nervously. "i knocked but i think it was too low that you didn't hear- he stopped talking when it was more than obvious that he didn't knock. 

seol just nodded. "it's fine, thanks." he swallowed hard and chuckled nervously.

to say they were nervous was an understatement. seol could feel her knees trembling and hyungwon as if his heart was to come out of his chest at any minute.

"where were you going though?" he asked. 

"uh- i was... going to get a glass of water." she said nodding. hyungwon's mouth formed an "o" as he sighed.

"ah alright, i'll bring you some, just wait here- before she could say anything, he disappeared in direction to the door. 

seol glanced at the flashlight between her hands. she remembered when she entered that room that flashlight had been there the whole time and it was more than obvious hyungwon just made up that story.

but now she wondered why? 

why would he lie about it? was he coming to her room? what for? 

before she had time to think about anything else. hyungwon popped from the kitchen with a glass of fresh water for her. 

"here." he said handing it to her. "thank you." she said, taking long sips as hyungwon stared at her eagerly. 

his eyes grew bigger at the view of seol drinking water. he admitted she was pretty and she had cute lips, it somehow made his heart flutter. "i- i think that's enough- he said clumsily as he tried to get the glass of water from her hands, stopping her from keep going. 

seol stared at him on confussion as he chuckled nervously, holding the glass of water between his hands. "ah... sorry it's just- i am thirsty too, see?" he said gulping down the rest of the remaining water. 

her eyes grew big as he finished the water within seconds. seol couldn't understand hyungwon's behavior so she cleared her throat.

"thanks for the water- and the flashlight - she quickly added - i think i'll go to sleep now." 

hyungwon seemed disappointed but he ended up nodding. "ah yes, sure, have a good night." 

seol stayed at the door's frame for a second, before nodding and closing the door behind her. 

she returned to the bed, flashlight hugged between her chest, wondering what was all that about? 

he seemed nervous to be around her, but why? 

he was always confident and even cold and distant. pretty similar to the ceo the first days she met him, but lately he's been acting differently.

she reached for the bed and threw herself in, wrapping her body with the soft quilt that hyungwon had provided her for. 

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