f o r t y e i g h t

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"i am sorry, these were the only things left." hyungwon said bringing seol a small plate with a packaged bread and a cup of tea, avoiding her eyes. 

they've woken un that morning maybe too much closer than expected and they both had been surprised by each other's presence. seol quickly stood from the ground and laugh nervously excusing herself to the bathroom. 

during the night, she fell asleep and forgot how she ended up between hyungwon's arms. she tried to remember what happened, but her mind was clouded, she only remembered she had a great night sleep. 

but even if it was awkward in the morning, when they just woke up, once she left the room and met hyungwon's worried gaze, it was more than obvious he cared about what would happen then, between them. 

"let's just no make it awkward." seol said with a reassuring smile that made hyungwon sigh in relief, she remembered. 

now she stared at the small breakfast with endeared eyes. "it's fine by me." she said smiling, bowing in gratitude as she took a sip of the cherry tea. 

the atmosphere wasn't awkward anymore, or maybe not as much as it was in the morning. it was only but natural. they've never talked about each other. seol didn't even know how she felt towards hyungwon or vice versa, she just knew he served as a great support when she needed a friend the most. 

she didn't want to mess up things and confuse generosity with liking. the moment she realized this, she preffered to think hyungwon was just being nice, maybe because he pitied her or whatever, but not because he liked her since he never really manisfested it. 

"i think we're going to be late - he said scratching the back of his head. seol nodded and quickly collected her stuff, shoving the piece of bread and gulping down the remaining tea. 

"thanks for the food - she said handing back the empty plates, but just when hyungwon was leaving for the kitchen, she cleared her throat making him stop on his tracks - and... for everything." she sweetly added, his cheeks feeling warmer. 

hyungwon fought a smile back, he just nodded and returned to the kitchen at the speed of light. 

seol didn't know how to thank him. she thought maybe just saying it out loud wasn't exactly enough. he had done these things for her, even if they were trivial things, that was what she needed right now. 

on their way back to the city, the air was lighter. she felt less pressured. that morning she had it free to visit graphic nation to her check up routines.

she knew she'd have to talk with her supervisor and tell him her internships would be done in less than two weeks. it was hard for her to come up with a good excuse, she knew she just couldn't reveal the truth otherwise she'd be fired in the act and all her dreams about having a permanent position there, would be gone. 

"uh- where to?" hyungwon's soft voice awakened from spacing out. she turned around and stared at him in confussion. 

her current apartment situation was stressful. she knew she'd been contacted by jeonghan any minute to inform her about how they'd proceed. 

"i guess... to my old apartment?" jooheon has told her that would always be her home, no matter what. she knew if she went there, he'd always receive her with his arms opened. hyungwon just nodded and drove towards seol's district.

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