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the rest of the weekend she spent it overthinking things. even if it was something she hated to do, she couldn't help it. 

she worried about kihyun but mostly about jooheon. after all, she's been knowing him since they were little and he was her best friend. she truly cared about him, even more than about the ceo, who she just met just a few months ago.

even if the feelings she had for him were strong, deep inside she knew jooheon would always come first. 

she had tried text him the night before, but he never replied. she knew he must be really angry at her after he read and ignored her messages, and that's why she didn't dare to call him at all. 

with the ceo the situation was different. she didn't even think about contacting him. he had threatened her about how much she'd regret kicking him out that night, so she didn't know exactly where they stood after that.

of course she wanted to know about him, to know how he was but also every time she thought about him, she'd feel angry because she now realized how stupid she'd been to agree to that deal in the first place. 

that monday she was super nervous of going to work. she had to stop by graphic nation first to her usual development check up and after that she went to the company. 

everything seemed normal. minhyuk greeted her at the entrance and she was yelled by wonho since she first arrived, nothing out of the usual way things went there.

she checked her phone looking for any messages or maybe missed calls, from jooheon or the ceo but there were none. 

she opened her inbox mail and noticed plenty work assignments so she started working on that as soon as possible so she could get both men out of her head for the rest of the day. 

when the working day was coming to an end, she noticed a tall man dressed in black entering the cubicles. since the walls were made of glass, it was easy for her to see who it was.

he walked slowly through the small offices and finally arrived hers. he stared at her with his big dark eyes and finally knocked on the door before making his way inside.

"annyeonghaseyo miss ha." he said walking inside and closing the door behind. he stood in front of her desk with his hands entwined in front on him. 

"hyungwon-ssi." she greeted him with a bow as well. he was dressed all in black, black thigh pants with a black turtle neck and a black jacket. his hair looked lighter, almost like a dirty blonde.

he remained silent, staring at her. "is there anything i can do for you?" she finally asked after he never talked. 

"no, it's fine." he simply said looking forward almost as if he was trying to ignore her eyes. she swallowed hard and nodded.

"so... why are you here?" 

"he has requested you to follow me." the words hit her like a train. 

he has requested... 

why would he send hyungwon to do such thing? he could have easily text her about it. she glanced at her monitor. 

"you can leave that as it is, but you need to come with me." he said serious. seol swallowed hard and finally nodded. 

she stood from the chair, grabbed her things and followed hyungwon outside of the cubicle. she noticed a few fellow designers glancing at her, as some other whispered things she couldn't hear.

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